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I was never a big Elizabeth Taylor Fan. I mean, she did some good work and all. I was maybe 10 when Taming of the Shrew was in the the theaters as I remember seeing a preview, so she was" legend" before my time and lived it out ..so to say! I saw an ad (on the back of Time

magazine) advertising a Life commemorative edition and there was this photo, there and I was really knocked out!




While searching for it unsuccessfully on-line I thought maybe somebody could nail it. I found a Life site with quite a few (great) photos

across her career, (a real ravishing beauty) and a reference to a Life/Time photographer Kaufmann. I tried to click through as many related

photos as possible, but that particular one I didn'T find. Therefore no caption to read to reference. I highly suspect a Kodachrome but more

info on this photo would please me! It struck me! I'm looking for photogrpaher , when and possibly what ie film/camera!

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<p>Can't help you, <strong>Chuck</strong>; I've never seen that shot before. It does look like Kaufmann's style, but, like you said, there doesn't seem to be a reference to it out there. Here's one you may not have seen, from a great age of publicity stills.</p><div>00YgUn-355523584.jpg.f26d49be6bfc3bdf9763474ee859a3e6.jpg</div>
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<p> Ahh Gabor ....you know!! That other photo is clearly from the same session!! Wow! Roger, Indeed.. I am; shame on me, a cheapskate, I suspect buying the book will give the photo credit I was hoping somebody was a bigger movie actress fan than I am and already bought it. Thanks John that's probably it. I know this store Adorama.. but there were/are a bunch of big NY camera stores. So of there is a photographer named Adorama? Then with Gabors hint, I think we're on the right track... Gabor? Is he related to the NY retailer? Anyway I'll go searching the net for more thanks!!</p>

<p> </p>

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Rick, True I didn't see that one. There are a few others available from that same same "session" if that was what it was! Seems very candid like the others I saw with her and MC having a smoke on a back lot. Trying to work through the clues .. thanks Gabor!!
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Ok Ok.. I'm on a the right track now.. Gabor, you sly dog you.. I've got the photographer .. at least I'm pretty sure I do.. It was Allan Grant! And while he may have nothing to do with Grant's Photo Exchange .. there was the hint!! So now who's in Grant's Tomb? Still want to find the shoot occasion and more on "him" so back to surfing.. I can do this kind of thing all day and generally do!
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<p>Tom - Not really .. I was off on a red-herring anyway. I found the photo super .... everything was right! I would like to know the "what" and "what with"  for example, but  knowing the "who" is also a good first step. The photo is just so astonishingly good. I suspect it was shot on Kodachrome and likely in 35mm. What was the purpose.. a specific film? production? The lighting, mood and of course the ravishing Ms Taylor!!  Excellent! This is how it's done!<br>




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