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How do my pictures become visible


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<p>to other members? I am new here and want to stay because of the quality images l see. However, I am wondering how my one and only posting so far will be noticed by others for l do not see a way to view others' work like in flickr or Art Limited?</p>

<p>Also, are there groups to add images of common theme?</p>

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<p>Hi, Deborah,</p>

<p>You posted in the gallery, right? Click on the "Gallery" tab in the top toolbar, then select "Browse Gallery". There are different options for what to view and how to view them. Start with Photo Category: All (or, All (No Nudes)), Time Frame: Last 24 Hours, Sort by: # of Photo Views. After you get used to the way it works, you can adjust your choices to suit your needs. Unless you choose to submit your work for ratings or critique, you won't get any definitive indication of how your work is valued here.</p>

<p>Under "Category", you can limit you view to those themes you are most interested in, such as Landscape.</p>

<p>Oh, and the difference between PNet and other websites? You can regard folks here as your peers. Other sites, not so much...</p>

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After reading your post here, I checked out your Portfolio and saw that you had submitted a photograph for critique but looks like you either had problems downloading it, deleted it, or had problems with the submission. No photo found.<br>

Then, I saw that you had two nice looking Waterfall photographs in your Gallery, But I could not view them because it appears that you have removed them! Why?<br>

If you are having problems downloading or submitting, then please ask us for specific help. You will always find that about anyone around here will offer help and guidance given the opportunity.<br>

As JDM indicated, . . . it's sometimes difficult to get immediate feedback, but given some time, it will happen. Just submit some of your work to the appropriate critique forum, and also check out the "No Words" forum. They are fun and will often strike someones interest enough to visit your Portfolio. Photo's that are submitted for critique/ratings will also appear at the bottom of the forum threads.<br>

It's not immediate feedback always, you have to give us a chance too!<br>

BTW, Welcome to PN!</p>

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<p>I have a similar question. What would cause my photos to not show up in a search result when searching photo captions? </p>

<p>For example, here is a photo in my gallery with the text "whooping cranes" in the photo caption. <br>

<a href="../photo/12762314">http://www.photo.net/photo/12762314</a></p>

<p>...but here is a caption search for "whooping cranes" (something with few results), and this photo appears nowhere. <br>

<a href="../gallery/caption-search/search?query_string=Whooping+Cranes">http://www.photo.net/gallery/caption-search/search?query_string=Whooping+Cranes</a></p>

<p>It seems that none of my photos show up when doing a caption seach, however, when doing a full site search the link to the gallery image does appear. What causes my photos to not appear in image searches? Thanks for any help.</p>

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<p><strong>"...<em>are there groups to add images of common theme?</em>"</strong><br>

<br /> Hi Deborah. You might like to visit the <a href="../no-words-forum/">No Words Forum,</a> where members post a photo in response to a theme started by another member. You can only post a single photo per theme, but there are many themes started every day. The posting rules are listed on the No Words Forum home page. Regards.</p>

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I checked out your your portfolio. Have you removed the photo? I do not see a photo in your portfolio.If you have trouble posting or uploading .Under forums there is a site help forum. where you can get help with specific problems.<br>

To see members works. there is a members directory under the community tab, or You can click on members names as they post. this will bring up their page from which you can see their work or below a photo you look at will be information including how many photos they have posted if you click on that ,it will take you to their portfolio. I hope this helps answer some of your questions.<br>

if you check out your page you can see how many times it has been visited. when I checked your page out, you had already been visited 36 times.<br>

Also would like to add welcome to Photo.net Pat</p>

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<p>I have yet to subscribe to Photo.net but am looking to do so but in regard to the initial posting on this thread I should like to add a query.<br>

Is it not possible to categorise by "most recently uploaded" or similar? There certainly is no such option that I can see?<br>

If there isn't it would seem to me to a valuable addition to the browse gallery parameters?<br>

regards Ian</p>


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