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best non-pro online print lab

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<p>Hello All,<br>

I have tried going through old posts, but all my searches come up w/outdated info.<br>

Who are truly the BEST online photo labs for NON-Pros?<br>

I personally use Smugmug/Bay Photo, but I pay for the service. This is for my clients who, for whatever reasons, do not print through my smugmug account and take their photos to Walmart, Costco, CVS etc.<br>

I'm trying to educate them as to why they shouldn't and would like high quality online sites, that they can sign up for, and don't have to be a pro or a business. <br>

Please do NOT respond with snapfish, shutterfly or kodak.... sorry. I have used all those and that's not good enough!<br>

I know MPix is one that's "sorta" pro and decent, but looking for more. thanks!</p>

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<p>Working with a printer is about communication and coordination. Even on old 4 color oil ink plate presses, one small adjustment could create a large change in image appearance. Consistently preparing the documents for press, coordinating with the printer, and following up will make a significant difference in the results.</p>

<p>Look at the photographic print and appreciate it. Is it not more advanced than what you can build with your own hands?</p>

<p>You may want to consider the likelihood that your clients will print those photos on a desktop inkjet a few times in their lives. Maybe that bride will sit down with the printer for two or three Saturdays, five years apart. She'll make some pictures with office supplies from a big box store until she runs out of 10mL of cyan in that plastic printer cartridge. Then, they'll email pictures to someone's phone, instead of printing some more. If that's the true life of the image, perhaps it might be time to consider tough, not boutique, printing conditions.</p>

<p>For the inexperienced person who just wants to get a printout made somewhere? Really, build the file for them to do that. Build the files to be used as your customers expect.</p>

<p>Some of the most knowledgeable people in this industry work at those businesses you've asked us to exclude from the results. Zenfolio contracts under MPix. National Geographic is using a San Fransisco shop that runs Fuji. I have had some poor experiences with one chain that went out of business; I think they had lost the commercial will to keep updating. Printing is an emotionally ruthless and commercially expensive kind of business. The people who own those shops have to stay on top of things. I use the same few local shops that other photographers in my area use; they're not really online printing operations like you describe.</p>

<p>I have never seen an error-free print run. Quality control in printing is really about refusing to release the errors. When I worked on a newspaper production line, the garbage was thrown away (paper recycled) hundreds of pounds at a time. Trying to pick a business' print quality based on their name, while excluding small shops and individual, skilled, workers: it doesn't look likely to get a strong answer.</p>

<p>I know it's not what you asked, but I suggest you edit those files so that the clients can use them. Every single time I adopt a new printer, for anything, it's time to go through the proofs until everything gets adjusted right. If the answer is that they're going to take their photos to the local drug store for a printout, I'd guess it's time to learn how to feed files to the local drug store so that they come out looking okay.</p>

<p>I send all of my enlargements to Kodak. I received one today, 20X30 glossy metallic black and white. I thought it looked awesome.</p>

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<p>I am in the middle of doing test prints comparing my printers, through smugmug (Bay Photo) and CVS, Walmart and maybe Walgreens (local chain of drug stores).<br>

Already, there is a huge comparison and I have been a previous client of snapfish, shutterfly and kodak and the results weren't horrible, just not as high quality as I'd like to recommend. <br>

I have used Mpix and had no problems, so that was one I was saying I would like to include, that isn't a "pro" only site. <br>

I wasn't even thinking about Adorama, so that's a good one! <br>

Personally, MY clients should just print through their online album I provide for them but many times they just want to take the CD to Walmart to save a little money. <br>

I'm trying to educate them as well as give them options. If they have the disc, it's their choice. <br>

Here is a link that sparked this even more in my head, but I already have my own prints that prove the same point!: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=148397841894776&set=a.140785702655990.28678.140751272659433&type=1&theater">http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=148397841894776&set=a.140785702655990.28678.140751272659433&type=1&theater</a></p>

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<p>I did a test of 8 images... took them to 8 places...based my choice after seeing 8 different results. Mpix, Adorama and Ritz Camera have done the best for me. Keeping my black and whites, black and white not gray, green, yellow and blue. There is a lot to be said about paying for what you get.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Delighted to read all the great feedback for printing with AdoramaPix. I've copied all your fab comments across to the manager at the lab and I know he'll be very happy to share them with his team.</p>

<p>BTW if you ever need advice or after-sales support with any order from Adorama, I'm only an email away: Helen@adorama.com<br>

<strong>Helen Oster<br /> Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador</strong><br>

<a href="http://twitter.com/HelenOster">http://twitter.com/HelenOster</a> </p>


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