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Neopan 400@200: D76 or Rodinal


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A quick question. I just shot a roll of Neopan 400 at EI 200, and was wondering what most people would consider a

better developer for this: Rodinal or D76 (the two normal developers at my disposal), and at what dilutions/times/



Most pictures are outdoor shots (both sunny-16 and in open shade) of people, and the goal is negs suitable for enlarging (probably to

around 20x30 cm or so).


If people have examples of either combination, that would be even better.

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<p>For Neopan 400 @ E.I. 200 I would select D76/ID11. But also Rodinal is possible with some more grain.<br>

A remarkable good combination for Neopan 400 is AM74/RHS. The fact you're located in Holland makes it easy to get this developer.<br>

AM74 1+7 6:00 minutes, AM74 1+9 6:45 minutes at 20C. But your request also depends on which film format, however Neopan 400 is recently available in 35mm only.</p>

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Ah yes, I forgot to mention: the roll is 35mm.


I could get some AM74, but I'm a bit hesistant to try a new developer on a film with some important shots. I've used both Rodinal and D76 before on Neopan (but at faster EI's), so I know I'll get an image out of it. I'll probably get a bottle to experiment later though, since I shoot a lot of Neopan. What EI would you recommend with it?

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Thanks for all the responses. I just souped the roll in D76 1+1 for nine minutes, and looking at the negs as they're hanging, they look perfect. Right at the middle of the curve.


I used D76 since I wanted a bit less grain, and didn't need razor sharpness for these shots.



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