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A boudoir photography service - marketing & pricing


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<p>I've been fiddling (a synesthesia metaphor?) with trying out a part-time boudoir photography studio concept, which I'll briefly explain in terms of the impetus for the idea.<br>

I did a series of boudoir photos of my girlfriend, who is a well-known research scientist. Besides the usual 'themes' of boudoir images, I wanted to convey the idea that the sensual and the intellectual could be thought of as complementary. My g/f was happy to be the model so long as she could not be identified in the images. After that, I did a few more sessions with models that included an economist, an opera singer, and a linguist.<br>

I understand that 'catering' to this population would involve a limited market, but can you think of any possible ways of marketing the service? </p>

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<p>I personally wonder if you're not in trouble here. After all, these days, sexy pictures of <em>girls</em> can get you into hot water for child porn.</p>

<p>Also given that your home page links to your actual name, etc. I'm wondering too about how confidential that so "long as she could not be identified in the images" can be, although I will say that most of the pictures there seem to be of adult women.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Since your models to date have been so exclusive and members of your target market, I would suggest that you ask them for referrals or better yet; their email address lists. - I am only making a facetious reply as I hope you were making a facetious request.<br>

One's intelligence is not necessarily defined by one's job title or job description. Just as we are told to look for beauty in everything, perhaps you could find some intelligence in everyone and show it in their boudoir photographs.<br>

How about marketing to only stupid people? You could photograph stupid people or even people of average intelligence and make them look very intelligent and sexy in their boudoir photographs by having them pose as scientists, researchers, doctors, lawyers, ... There are more stupid people and people of average intelligence than very intelligent people so your market would be larger and they are more likley to buy into your concept.<br>

Best of luck in what you eventually decide to do.</p>

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<p>How could someone photograph a research scientist, economist, opera singer and linguist and ended up with an accusation of child porn?</p>


<p>And how could someone call someone like that a <em>girl</em>? That was all my little poke was about. I guess there are some women who don't object to being called <em>girls</em>, just as there must be some males who don't mind being called "boy", but I wouldn't try it with some people. This is not "political correctness," it's just plain courtesy, although you can call your whatever whatever she'll tolerate<br>

I wonder how the woman in question feels about that and this posting? My wife or daughter wouldn't be too thrilled about it.</p>

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<p>Hi Alan - I'm also starting to offer boudoir. In fact, I'm transitioning from almost pure product photography into mainly portraits, including boudoir. I'm no marketer by any means, so I'm figuring it out as I go! What I'm just beginning to do is to target women who already invest their appearance. </p>

<p>To that end, I'm contacting higher end salons, spas, fitness clubs, lingerie stores, high end boutiques etc. to not only leave postcards or fliers, but also to see if they are interested in forming a "working alliance" of sorts - talking to the owners about different possiblilities that help them out as well as me. For instance, offering a monthly drawing in their business with the winner getting a free photo session that includes one 8x10. Or offering to photograph some of their proudest before & after moments in exchange for wall space to show off some framed prints of my G-rated boudoir shots.</p>

<p>If you want to target intellectuals, try targeting some of these same places since the smarter the woman, the better care she tends to take of herself. Of course this is not always true, but it does seem to be a trend that I have found. You might try going on a website like meetup.com and seeing what different professional women's groups are being held in your area. Many places also have women professionals' breakfast or lunch meertings, which often have short time slots for local area businesses to give a brief run-down on services they offer.</p>

<p>BTW, I would like to ask feedback from my fellow photogs on the postcard I'm creating for just this purpose. It's at http://gjfoto.com/GJFOTO/pix/boudoir-april-2011.jpg.</p>

<p>Hope this helps - I'm always open to some more ideas as well, so throw them out there and see what sticks!<br>


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<p>Another thought, Alan, is to put out a press release stating that you are now offering this service. Local media outlets are always looking for stuff and it's a legitimate reason to put out a press release.</p>
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<p>I must admit I kinda liked the "going to gyms, health clubs, etc" idea - it is highly focused, it does have ton of fertile ground to take seed and grow and it simply works! Maybe you should do something similar, say universities, large pharmaceuticals, hospitals - places where beautiful women often exist and might be titilated with the idea of combining sexy and smart...;-)</p>

<p>Also, add a dedicated section in your website and e-mail people...;-)</p>

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