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Cannot Uninstall programs

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I'm trying to uninstall programs no longer needed (on windows xp) to be able to work on more photos but they just won't uninstall. I go into Add/Remove and the uninstall process starts, goes halfway and then just sits there. This problem is with microsoft office, visual basic, etc... all microsoft programs. I've gone on microsoft's support sites but have gotten little support. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Please save the "get a mac" comments. I already have one and it has it's own set of problems we'll save for another day. Thanks</p>

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<p>I haven't done this for a few years but you can try going into safe mode and try uninstalling. To get into XP Safe mode, as the computer is booting press and hold your "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" . Use your <a href="http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/a/arrowkey.htm">arrow keys</a> to move to "Safe Mode" and press your Enter key. I hope this works, if not, there are 3rd party uninstaller programs available which may do the job.</p>
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<p>Those are good tips to start with. But, more to the point: it sounds like you're short on disk space. Are you using a laptop, or a desktop machine? You can buy a 1,000-megabyte disk drive for $50 these days. Not only can you increase your storage, but you can do something it sounds like you're not doing now: have more than one copy of your image files. What are you doing for backups, now?</p>
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<p>This is strange since Microsoft non-system applications should uninstall cleanly, unless they are garbled.</p>

<p>Sometimes I get a message that a component is being used, and therefore uninstallation is not possible.<br>

System type software that uses device drivers sometimes cannot be uninstalled, and you will get a clear information.</p>

<p>Only it you know your application very well how that installed and if uses own device drivers, you could just stop or disable some services or processes, but this is very dangerous because they could be shared or interdependent.... then restant computer and try to uninstall, ... but eventually you may need to activate or put bach what you disabled, after successful uninstallation.</p>

<p>If an applicatiobn is installed in a separate directory, you could just remove that, but keep it in the Recycle Bin for a while.</p>

<p>Before you do anything, save latest and good restore point, make system/data backup, and make sure you have the system recovery discs, or bootable system disc with applicable installation serial number or key.</p>

<p>If you have to ask, then perhaps my advice is not for you? ...better do not mess up with your system and get an additional hard disc.</p>

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<p>Agreed. The amount of space you'll clear up stripping off a few office applications will likely amount to under 100 megs, enough to store 6 raw image files. You need a new drive.</p>


<p>You can buy a 1,000-megabyte disk drive for $50 these days.</p>


<p>Or even a 1,000 gigabyte disk drive ;)</p>

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<p>Thanks for all helpful tips. BTW Matt, You're right, I do need more disk space, it's a laptop (60GB, 2.8GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM) I can run CS4 and even edit videos (occasionally) with little to no lag, but I feel like I'm asking for trouble by not adding more free disk space. I am short on laptop HD space, I only have about 6GB free. And I do backup everything onto 2 seperate 1TB external HDs. I use 2 external HD's because that is <em>a lot</em> of images to have on one massive HD and if one goes I'll have a backup to my backup. Might sound like overkill but they're so inexpensive today it's worth it. I'm probably going to try Malcolm's advice. Microsoft has several pages on topic of Uninstalling problems with sevreal of their office programs. Seems like a fairly common problem. </p>
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<p>On my previous XP system I had a special program to remove unwilling programs, I believe it was add/remove pro. Only used it on a few occasions but it was able to remove the program(s) in question. It is however possible that the programs you are trying to remove are needed for other programs and that that may stop the uninstall routine.</p>
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<p>If you uninstall everything that is not essential, at best you'll get space for a couple more shots on your disk. 60 GB these days is very small. Just swap your hard drive to a 500 GB one and you'll be able to use it for a while. You'll have to reinstall everything, but it's worth it.</p>
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