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The voices of the photograph


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<p>I came across the paragraph yesterday because my wife found a 1966 Dec issue of Life magazine. The entire magazine was devoted to photography. I liked this paragraph when I read it and wanted to share it with you all. The author was not listed for some reason. Anyway the entire magazine is great. Some of your responses are most interesting.. Tomorrow I am going to the thrift shop myself and pick up a few more old issues. One thing that really impressed me was the photography in the magazine is much nicer then in modern magazines.</p>
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<p>I admire Jeff Spirer's photography and his work as a moderator (despite the fact that he's whacked me a few times).</p>

<p>If "over the top" and "rose colored glasses" and "hyperbolic style" become uncool, who will buy Photoshop? </p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Ross, why would you say that? This is a forum -- the more points of view the better. Otherwise if everyone thought alike, what kind of a forum would it be? It's nice many times to feel part of a community, even if it's only online in this case for most people. Sometimes everyone agrees, and you feel as if you have like people around that you can talk to. Other times people disagree or may even seem hostile, although it's hard to tell from forum postings. I read forum postings from one of my old professors in college (not on here), and he is one of the most cultured and kind people I've known, but he sounds like a lunatic online for some reason. Not on purpose.</p>
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<p>Ross, I posted a response last night, but it looks like I forgot to hit the "confirm" button. It went something like this:<br>

Ross, I admire your ability to stay calm under fire. I also wonder how those who were doing the firing in such a personal way feel today, now that they know the source of the words. If I were in their shoes, I'd feel quite ashamed. Assumptions were made, and the assumptions were flat out wrong.</p>

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<p><em>Dennis Williams' voice like a photograph...</em><br>

<em>Harsh, badly toned, poorly exposed, unintentional yet personal.</em><br>

<em>Negative compensation and thin depth... but no field.</em><br>

<em>Out there, all alone, lucky to have two colors next to.</em></p>

<p> </p><div>00YVIc-344833584.jpg.f0ae41fc44588c7e382da3a1bbe41c27.jpg</div>

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<p>Ross, you belong here. Speak freely, wax poetic as you please, and know a lot of us appreciate and understand what you're going through. The ridicule from the mostly well-meaning wags here is standard fare, and the mods, like Jeff, step in when needed. Carry on.</p>
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<p>Hang in there, Ross. The very small mob with torches and pitch forks attention will turn on another post soon enough. You are poet, philosopher, photographer. You are welcome here and don't let a troll or wise crack every now and then intimidate you from posting.</p>


<blockquote><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2397502">John Galyon</a><a href="../member-status-icons"><img title="Subscriber" src="../v3graphics/member-status-icons/sub5.gif" alt="" /><img title="Frequent poster" src="../v3graphics/member-status-icons/3rolls.gif" alt="" /></a>, Mar 31, 2011; 09:34 p.m.

<p>If posted in the "Philosophy of Photography" forum this would garner literally thousands of responses.</p>



<p>I agree with John.</p>

<p>Kudos to Jeff S.</p>

Cheers, Mark
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<p>ross b wrote:</p>


<p>I am sorry I posted the paragraph. I will have to think about it and decide if I belong here.</p>


<p>I enjoyed reading the paragraph, Ross. I don't come here often anymore, as people are sometimes too high-strung (and I've sometimes been provoked to that state myself).</p>

<p>FAIW, this paragraph sounds like a good many artists' statements I've read, so there's an element of pots and kettles, methinks.</p>

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<p>Well thanks everyone. I did go back to the thrift store today and bought a couple more copies of Life magazine. They are Viet Nam issues. I promise not to quote any thing from the magazine just to keep the peace. Anyway I am not going anywhere. I enjoy photo.net.</p>
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