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I have a new camera and Im in love ;)


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The 30D just came, oh my god how different to the 10D! Not much in weight but it is smaller. Nice big screen, higher pop up flash

position,ooh its nice! Thing is its obviously second hand as the 30D is obsolete but it looks and feels brand new-the seller obviously looked

after it!

Came with 3 batteries, 3 memory cards, EOS strap, unused, charger and cable, unused, all the original paper work and CD ROMs. I'm just

over the moon!

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<p>With all the complaints and problems you here from people with the 'latest greatest' gear, its nice to hear someone truly get excited about upgrading to a 30D. I loved my 30D and as you point out, it is a great camera, but not many people get this excited unless they receive a 1D IV or 600mm lens; its definitely a good thing to see. </p>
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<p>The 30D is certainly fine.</p>

<p>After borrowing it from a friend I decided to upgrade my rebel...</p>

<p>[Though I still use and love the rebel. Sometimes you want a X0D body and sometimes all you want is small and light.]</p>

<p>Have fun with it and make some good ones,</p>


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<p>My brother is a photographer who still shoots with a 30D and when I suggest he might want to upgrade, he asks me "Why?". He moved to it from a 10D (which he kept as backup). He even shoots with a non-IS 70-200 f/2.8L lens and a (gasp!) 28--135 consumer grade lens!<br>

His clients never complain and his nature work is awesome.<br>

I shoot with a 5D MkII but I still have my 20D and it's my everyday go-to lens and has never let me down nor have I ever felt undergunned with it.<br>

Enjoy your 30D. It's an excellent piece of equipment.</p>

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<p>My 30D is practically in Mint condition. I took good care of it, but then I got the 5D, a few years later I got the 7D. For travel I like to use the 30D with a 35mm f2, or a 50mm 1.4/1.8. Almost like having a point and shoot. These days the way camera models change every 2 years you are not going to find too many Dogs. Back in the film days when cameras were made of metal and lasted over 20 years, it was easy finding cameras that were really beat-up ! </p>
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<p>You sound like a man after my own heart Larry. I shot with a D60 from 2006-2008 (yes, a canon D60 not 60D) and absolutely loved it. Upgraded my lenses, then got a 20D from (2009-2010) and was absolutely blown away. I thought... heck if this 20D was this much better I can't imagine the 5D.</p>

<p>I can't say anything bad about the 5D, and I was amazed by the images it can produce. But personally it was too much overkill. </p>

<p>I've decided to take a step back (slightly). Selling the 5D and picked up a used 1D II for about 1/2 the price of what I sold the 5D for. I think for my uses, the 5D was just a tad overkill, so I can't even think about the newest out there (or their prices)... Shudder...</p>

<p>Then again, I'm not in competition, photography is for the joy of myself, my family and whoever likes my photos.</p>

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<p>I have a 30D and mainly shoot with a Canon 17-55mm 2.8 EFS and get great results. If I were to give you any advice on improving the existing cam, I would say purchase a down loadable version of Noise Ninja, an anti noise program starting at about $35. Well worth the investment, and it really changed my production technique. The 30D can begin producing noise as low as ISO 400. It can produce very noticeable noise at ISO 640. This is no put down of the cam, just trying to inform. My best results come from my standard settings:<br>

Shoot RAW & Large-Fine JPEG/ Evaluative metering/ one shot center point auto-focus on (for the most part)/ Standard JPEG Picture Style, with the color chart pushed a bit to the blue quadrant and contrast and sharpness bumped a bit/ Auto white balance in outdoor sunshine, Custom white balance with grey card everywhere else/ and continuous file numbering.<br>

Not to talk you up a bit in terms of equipment, but if you do not have an external flash, the Canon 420EX is a very reliable, and ridiculously inexpensive as a used piece.</p>

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<p>Very happy for you Larry. I started shooting over 20 years ago, and it's wonderful to hear such enthusiasm these days, when so many only talk about their equipment, as if it insures taking a good photo. Once the photo bug bites, it's a lifetime infection. I've checked, and there doesn't seem to be a cure. Time and money seems to slow down the symptoms, but it can flair up at any moment......There will be times when you dread this disease, but when your hands touch that camera, and you see something worth shooting....you know the fever is back....................</p><div>00YUHK-343929584.jpg.f2c171d7acfae2c81c838e5c00848b23.jpg</div>
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