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questions about Actions for PSE


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<p>I have a couple of questions.....I have recently downloaded the pioneer woman's actions for PSE, as well as a few from the coffeeshopblog. I was wondering if there are any other good resources to find free PSE actions. I was also considering purchasing a set of actions (MCP), but I was wondering if anyone on this forum has bought them - I have 2 computers with PSE (one notebook, and one desktop), so can I put them on both computers? Actions are quickly becoming my new favorite hobby! Thanks in advance:)</p>
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<p>Wow, you learn something new everyday, I didn't know you can run actions in Elements. Just Googled it because I didn't think you could but you can. Thanks C.S.</p>

<p>Your question is tough to answer because it depends on how the software is activated/registered. If it doesn't do any sort of internet verification, then the key should work on both computers. I used Quickbooks at the office and like to keep a backupcomputer ready to go so each year when I get the new version (I pay a monthly support fee), I update my mainframe and then I wait a week or so and then install it on the backup system - normally it goes through without a problem. Read the documentation - it should tell you somewhere.</p>

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<p>I know that Adobe allows licensing for 2 computers, with the assumption that you will have PSE on a desktop and a laptop. So, most likely you can, but you should contact MCP and ask. (Or, she may have that information listed on her website.) </p>
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