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One shot developer for high speed films

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I've only recently got into developing my own BW film and have been happily developing Tri-X rated at ASA 400 in RO9 (Rodinal).<br>

Currently I'm shooting some rolls of Tri-X pushed to 1600, and I will soon be using some TMax 3200 as I'm doing some low light work.<br>

I've heard that RO9 isn't so good for pushing or for high ISO films?<br>

For convenience, as I use a dark room at a local camera club so can't store cehmicals or solutions there, and because I don't develop that much film, I would much rather use a 'one shot' developer, i.e. a liquid developer I can dilute as needed.<br>

Are there any one shot developers which are good (or better than RO9) with high speed film?</p>



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<p>If you do a google search for Coffenol, you will find Reinholds blog.<br>

He champions Coffenol C-L as a std developer for high ISO films. he has two recipes CC-H and CC-L the main difference being the pH level and dev. times.<br>

CC-L is for stand development 60 - 70 minutes and is good for push processing according to Reinhold.<br />CC-H is for more normal development 15 - 16 minutes and is good for most anything.<br>

You mix it yourself at home, the mix will easily live 24 hours and can be tossed after use, or saved and reused for up to a week (if you are frugal). I use CC-H for most any type of film and have developed a lot of C41 to B&W with good results. I'm not into push processing any longer though.</p>


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