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Where to find 120+35mm film in the Middle East

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<p>Hey all!<br /> As an avid user of film and having just recently moved back to the M.E. it has come to my attention that film stock in this part of the world is rare and hard to find. With digital photography all the rage in this part of the world who still shoots on film, right? Well, ME! and to my surprise a few others too!<br /> So, this is a thread that has evolved from a previous one that I had posted asking here on photo.net where I can find 120+35mm film in Dubai. I wanted to broaden the scope to include the Middle East, most notabley our Gulf neighbours, as I'm sure all of you film users travel around too, and by sharing our findings we can help keep film very much alive.</p>

<p>So here is what I found:</p>

<p><strong>OMAN:</strong><br /> <strong> </strong><br /> <strong>Photo Magic:</strong> This shop is dotted around Muscat and they only sell expired <strong><em>Kodak Gold 200.</em></strong><br /> I've tried this film despite the reviews and have to say I do not particular like this consumer film, unless its a super sunny day then the colors are not so bad. But generally, film that i can do without to be honest.<br /> Photo Magic also develop C-41 films, but do not scan. I never developed my film there so cannot tell you if they do a good job.<br /> <strong> </strong><br /> <strong>Photo Centre:</strong> Located in Qurum, opposite CCC.<br /> Do not sell film ( aside from Fuji Instax) but they do develop C-41 films, however from my one and only experience with them I would not recommend giving your films to the lab. Mine came back super dusty, scratched and wasn't fixed properly. They were careless and did not cut the film straight, sometimes they would cut <em>into</em> the frames. Funnily enough the Showroom Manager, who was really friendly and helpful, dissuaded me from sending my film to Photo Magic and instead convinced me to have them process it. BIG MISTAKE! Never again. Be warned! Great little shop for all you digital needs tho and the staff is really friendly.</p>

<p><strong>Bahrain:</strong><br /> <strong> </strong><strong>Ashraf:</strong> Located in Manama.<br /> I bought 2 boxes of<strong> <em>Kodak Portra 100NC</em></strong> from there in January though think they discontinued selling them because no one shoots film anymore. Yawn.<br /> Also, right next to Ashraf is my go to lab where my friend Boney Jose ( what a pimpin name right?!) hooks me up big time with developing + scanning. He handles my film with care, there are no scratches, dusts or finger prints and he knows exactly what he is going. He's really amazing and if you want your films to be in safe hands, rest assured he is your man!<br /> <strong> </strong><br /> <strong>Future Studios: </strong>On the other side of the road to Ashrafs.<br /> They sell 5 year old expired <strong>120 <em>Fuji Superia CN ISO 100</em><em>. </em></strong>I've used it and the colors are just fine, just make sure to pop it in the fridge when u buy it. So far I've had no problems. They do rip you off with the price tho considering its expired...5 years ago!! But if your desperate and charming you can get a decent enough deal.</p>

<p>Hope I've helped, please share your findings. And to those friends who already shared in the previous thread place take a moment of ur time to copy+paste it on here so its easier to find in the future.</p>


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<p>Hi ..<br>

thank you for the info .. i am from Kuwait .. here also cant fined 120 films .. i have to order it from USA ..<br>

but you can fined KODAK T-max developer in Ashraf stores .. ashraf have many stores in Kuwait like the one in alawadhi bulding in Sharq .. also you can fiend developing stores like Ashkanani Studio in Salmiya<br>

also you you have BuShehri in Salmiya.</p>

<p>any one need any thing in Kuwait just email me and try to help :)<br>

www.todaypic.net www.q8tag.com<br>

Cheeeeers :)</p>

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