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Aperture re-install....what will i lose?

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I am experiencing a (recent) problem with Aperture 2 - when i import images directly from my 5DII, it appears to apply a setting (from the software or my camera) which cause the images to appear too dark. (When I import into Eos Utility/DPP, I don't have this problem). I cant' seem to find the cause of this and am considering re-installing Aperture on my Imac and Macbook. Perhaps a silly question, but what will happen to the photos that I have imported over the years (ostensibly in a vault now) and the version changes I have made in Aperture when I do this? I have all my files backed up, but wanted to make sure anyway. Any insights would be most appreciated.<br>



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<p>I have Aperture 3 (strange Apple overwrites previous Aperture version but Adobe leaves all previous ones alone and working). Look in "Preferences" and "Preview" options or under "Photos" preset options to see if that helps. Under no means should you uninstall and/or reinstall Aperture. Apple keeps all user and individual settings separate from the application so they don't interfer with any updates or upgrades. Good luck.</p>
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<p>Do the images look ok on your camera's lcd? If so, in the Aperture prefs, under the "Previews" header, you can check "Use embedded jpeg from camera when possible". Otherwise Aperture would be making its own preview adjustments for display which may be different than your camera's. Also, make sure that "Auto Lighting Optimizer" is unchecked in DPP. That would affect the view you see in DPP, which also could be different than the jpeg created for the lcd view.<br /> Are you shooting in raw mode?</p>


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<p><strong>Thanks guys. I ended up resetting the user preferences (thanks for the link Mark). That solved the problem but wiped out all my projects. Now trying to recover them......</strong></p>

<p>There was a word... now what was it. It always seemed so simple but... oh yeah "Backup". <strong><br /></strong></p>

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