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Canadian Pro Labs

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<p>I have used Richard Photo Lab for colour processing...and they do a great job. I am in Canada, and would prefer to send my film work to a Canadian lab...it is not a patriotic thing...just something a little closer (no shipping across borders) and maybe less expensive for shipping. I have been using Fuji 4ooh, overexposing by at least one or two stops. I would like to try the new Kodak Potra line, apparently it does not need the overexposing that fuji does. Also, does fuji film print better on fuji paper, and kodak film print better on kodak papers? I have asked for lab recmmendations before, but haven't as yet tried a new lab..looking forward to any replies/recommendations...thanks</p>
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<p>If you are getting optical prints, Kodak works to make both Kodak and Fuji films print well on their papers. Fuji is only concerned that Fuji films print well on their papers. But this is all about <strong>optical</strong> color printing, which is commercially almost irrelevant. Maybe a few percent of color printing is done optically, it's mostly all scan and print digitally (laser or LED on RA-4 paper), which has numerous procedural and cost advantages. In digital color printing, there's no film/paper brand bias.<br>

We can understand your desire to not have your film cross the border -- it's highway robbery getting anything across the US/Canada border.</p>

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<p>I've personally found that both Kodak and Fuji print well on Fuji paper, but Kodak paper seems to prefer Kodak film, however, Fuji is perfectly usable on Kodak. However, this is working in a traditional color darkroom, as John points out, unless the service you use specifically states "optical printing" (which is a safe bet their minilabs use projection printing, usually), it is scanned and then printed onto chemical paper. Heck, I've run into some minilabs that scan the film and print it out with dye sub/ink jet. Since the film has editing applied to it automatically, there isn't preference for brand consistency.<br>

I've heard thelabvancouver.com mentioned a few times here, and they seem to be priced well, but I've never used them.</p>

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<p>As to the lab, I have used both Downtown Camera and Toronto Image Work in Toronto for C41 and E6 processing and I don't have complaint with either. Actually I like Downtown Camera a little better as it keeps the processed film flatter so it is easier for me to scan at home. Toronto Image Work uses dip and dunk processing for all film types. I have not been impressed by Downtown Camera's scan though. I didn't try Toronto Image Work's scan as it is more expensive.</p>
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<p><em>We can understand your desire to not have your film cross the border -- it's highway robbery getting anything across the US/Canada border.</em><br>

<em> </em><br>

Not so. Where we Canadians get robbed is if the shipper uses UPS Standard or FedEx Standard for shipping. Those carriers tack on a huge bogus brokerage fee. In all other cases, the cost is not bad.</p>

<p>For film developing, there is no reason not to ship to the U.S. Postage is cheap and Customs is not interested. I send my C41 to <a href="http://www.northcoastphoto.com/">North Coast Photo Services</a> in Carlsbad, CA. It costs maybe $8 - 10 to mail a bunch of film, usually about 10 rolls at a time. North Coast sends it back USPS Priority-- S & H is always about $11, give or take, for a fat envelope full of negs and CDs. It never attracts the interest of Customs so it comes free of GST, and that pays half the postage.</p>

<p>North Coast does good work, at a reasonable price, currently about $17 per roll including 'enhanced scans'. From a 6 x 7 C41 neg done with their 'enhanced scan' service, you get an OK ~28 Mpx 8-bit jpg file with very little compression. (That is, it corresponds to '12' jpg quality, judging from the file sizes.) For prints, I ftp digital files to Technicare, who are in several cities in Western Canada. YM, as they say, MV.</p>

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<p>Thanks for all the replies, in particular...<br>

Bob: the Labworks is the lab that my current (digital) lab uses for b&w work and was going to be my first Canadian choice. Thanks<br>

Dave: your shipping methods sound interesting and I think that I will go that way first. I am hesitant to change labs (Richard's is great) and after the earlier replies regarding printing on respective papers, I will just have the processing and scanning done at RPL, they send the scans by FTP and then I will have the prints done at my current printer. Technicare is an option. My current printer is Atlantic Photo Supply in Halifax and they have proven to be very good.<br>

Thanks to all for your replies...it has be very helpful!</p>

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<p>In Toronto, I have always had excellent results from Downtown Camera. Consistent processing, decent scans, fast turnaround (often one hour for C41, and never longer than three hours.) I like the convenience of being able to walk to Downtown Camera, and they have never let me down.<br>

The most often recommended "pro" lab (i.e. truly a lab that is frequented mostly by working professional photographers) is Silvano Color Labs. I've never used them but hear very good things. <a href="http://www.silvanoimaging.com/">http://www.silvanoimaging.com/</a></p>

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<p>If I could find a lab in Canada that knows how to scan as well as Richard photo Lab, and get the colours I want, I would use it. To date, I haven't found one. What I would like to hear is from someone who has used Richard Photo Lab, and has found a Canadian lab that gives them the same quality, color, and look I get from Richard's.</p>


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