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How do I batch process in PS CS5

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<p>I have about 300 Photoshop images (many different proportions) in TIFF or PSD that I want to batch process to a sensible size for web publishing. I have rarely batched processed in Photoshop, and never in CS5. Is there a good tutorial on this somewhere? Or can someone tell me how to do it. Thanks.</p>
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<p>What Ellis said, but I might also suggest doing it from Bridge instead. In PS, you do it to an image or a whole file. In Bridge, you can do it to the images you pick individually or in a group--in other words, only part of a folder if you want. The best part is that the new files are all put in a separate folder and your originals are not harmed--so you can test it out until you get comfortable with it and it is doing what you want.</p>
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As John says, do The Image Processor from Bridge. It's worth while to Google and check out Dr Russel Brown. He has some great tutorials and scripts for The Image Processor as he wrote it way back when. Well worth checking out and if you work in layers, there's one script that will convert layer to a smart object so you can edit like a raw file. Pretty cool.
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