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w/nw Pic of the Week # 10


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<p><strong>West Kirby Marine Lake, Wirral Peninsula, UK.</strong><br>

<br />This is one of a set of images captured last Saturday in an attempt to create something decent in conditions far from perfect.<br>

<br />I'm really lucky to live by this large marine lake. Built on the beach, great for water sports, dog walkers and families… it's refreshed with water at every high tide.<br>

<br />It was a cold day, made bitterly cold by the strong Icelandic wind. I was lying over the jetty, the camera lens hovering a couple of inches over the water, left arm submerged, and using a vertical finder on the Canon 5d. Shooting directly into the harsh winter sun, I couldn't see much as the sun was bouncing off the lake. I was there for about 3 hours and filled two 8Gb memory cards. It took ages to get the feeling back into my hands and arms (what a hero!!!).<br>

<br />The rest of the<strong> 'Diamond Rider' </strong>set, can be found here…<br>


<br /><em>Canon 5d mkII… Canon 70-200mm f2.8 IS at f3.5… Circular Polariser... Canon angle finder</em><br /> <em><br /></em><br /> <a title="West Kirby Windsurfing by stevedeer, on Flickr" href=" West Kirby Windsurfing src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5137/5492030855_ed2cdf5e6b_b.jpg" alt="West Kirby Windsurfing" width="1000" height="1000" /></a></p>

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<p>Steve, I love your shot! But what is it doing in the Leica & RF forum?</p>

<p>Barry, I love those parts of cities.</p>

<p>Alex, your balloon shot is wonderful. So much for the M8 being out-dated! Usually I am not impressed at all with your images. I find them mostly inane.</p>

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<p>Karim... it has been known for quite a while that the 'w/nw pic of the week' thread is an 'any camera goes' thread. I am rangefinderless at the moment, that is why I only post on this forum in this thread ;-)<br>

Also, I feel I have a connection here, as this is the space that got me into photography years ago... there were many inspirational people here when I first joined up (many great photographers, some with attitude problems but nevertheless, great photographers), and there are good people around now.<br>

I will have another Rangefinder one day, but it hasn't been made yet.</p>

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<p>:::OFF TOPIC:::<br /> What happened to 'Ray' (the other Ray with the volatile attitude)... and what was the handle of that guy that used to post those amazing, dark, brooding, almost sinister images?<br>

And where is 'Matt from Toronto'... he once posted my favouraite image ever.</p>

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<p>I think Ray is still around, doesn't post here as much, but I think you were thinking of Grant, Ed, Balaji, Tataki [sp], Maria and several others who don't pass my mind at the moment. Definately miss those guys because their work was very inspiring and set a high standard.</p>
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