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What is going on with the Tokina 11-16?


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<p>I've been looking at the Tokina 11-16 since it came out some years ago and I think I've convinced myself to trade in some of my other lenses for this one.</p>

<p>However, it seems to be an impossible lens to get. It's either insanely expensive (>$1000, via Amazon) or out of stock (B&H, Adorama). </p>

<p>What's going on here? Is the supply so low, demand real high or does Tokina have any problems that I should know about? Related to the lens: does anyone have experience with the 11-16 that should reinforce my desire to buy (or completely kill it)?</p>



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<p>Keep trying... I think it's insanely popular that's all. The university I work for got one within a month of placing the order. It was purchased from either B&H or Calumet. I haven't done any empirical image quality tests with it, but it's built well (has that "Tokina feel").</p>
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<p>I bought one about two years ago. I think I paid at most about $700 brand new at a local camera shop. At the time I did a quick test of both the Tokina and the Canon 10-22 and preferred the Tokina images, plus it was about $100 less and constant 2.8. It is a limited range but I love the image quality and would not hesitate to buy again.</p>
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