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B+W 49mm #110 10 Stop ND Filter/ Slim


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<p>Here is my issue:<br>

I have a Canon 5D and use older manual focus lens of both Nikon with 52mm filter size and Olympus Zuiko with 49mm threads. I want 10 stop ND and researched the Lee and Cokin options but cost wise seemed out of my budget. Specifically, I want to use my Nikon 20mm and 24mm but with the option of using my Olympus 24mm as well. Vignetting is a concern mainly but also I understand screwing on and off filter can be an issue. </p>

<p>These B+W ND filters are about $63 each or $126 for the pair<br>

The question is:<br>

Will the B+W screw-on filters pose any issues other than the hassle of off and on changing? Will they vignette with the slim line on 20mm or cause imaqe degradation due to distance of filter to lens versus a Drop-In filter<br>

Thank You</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I've the 52 mm B+W ND (for Nikon lenses). It has 2 issues. First it gives a reddish cast - not unpleasant for some scenes, and correctable, but significant. Second, the mount is quite thick and so it can potentially cause vignetting on wides (OK on my 24.2.8 AIS though). Why not buy a slightly larger size and 2 (thin) step rings for the 52 and 49 mm lenses?</p>
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Thanks for the response. By larger, do you mean say a 55mm filter or even larger. I have a Canon 17-40 and a 24-105mm, but those are 77mm filter size. I doubt I could buy a 77mm filter and use a 49 and 52mm step up ring to get to 77mm filter. Is this possible? Seems like a huge leap from 49mm to 77mm.</p>

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<p>Joe, I was having the issues you were talking about with a Leica lens where it was vignetting. What I ended up doing is buying all my unusual filters in much larger sizes than needed, then using step up rings. That way I can carry a IR or ND filter in 72mm and use it on my Nikon, Hasselblad, or View Camera without carrying too many filter cases. Of course, the problem with an ND filter of more than 4 stops, is seeing through the view finder and having to use the camera on a tripod for composition.</p>

<p>What they need to make is a swing out assembly for screw in filters (like the Leica polarizing filter system), but then you'd be telling me to use the Cokin type system.</p>

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Thanks for the link. I'm considering canceling my order for the Big Stopper which would save me big bucks and going down the step up ring road. Any reason why more folks don't go this route over all the filters, adapters and holder system. Seems like a no brainer from a cost standpoint and if the B+W is workable, I'm all in. Would love to hear the pitfalls or disadvantages of the screw on system. I'm perfectly fine with tripod, metering and focus without filter and then applying filter.</p>


Sounds like a viable solution. I'm going to pull the trigger and see how it goes. Any other input or advice is appreciated.<br>

Thanks Again!</p>

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<p>I bought a ND400 filter and some step up rings for some of my lenses. The step up rings aren't a big problem. A little harder to store then just filters since they are a little thicker and they take a little longer to put on, but if you are dealing with strong NDs you probably aren't in a rush anyway. My biggest issue is taking them on and off to recompose/focus. I've dropped them a couple times, but luckily it's been on grass and not off a bridge (yet).<br>

Something like the Lee system would make adding/removing them easily and using them with ND grad filters. (Something I'm interested in, but you may not be). Here in Japan Kenko makes a 4x4 or P size ND1000 filter that's a little cheaper than the big stopper (which you can't get here). I haven't seen any information on it online and I'm unsure if you can get it outside Japan. (link to the Japanese site: <a href="http://www.kenko-tokina.co.jp/optics/tele-scope/accessories/4961607390399.html">http://www.kenko-tokina.co.jp/optics/tele-scope/accessories/4961607390399.html</a>) They are also selling a 2.5-1000ND variable filter in 77mm and 82mm. No info on that either, unfortunately.</p>

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