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A humorous(?) example of a marketing faux pas for photo software?


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<p>I wonder if anyone has ever read (in a book or elsewhere) a suggestion regarding any aspect of photography that was clearly a marketing ploy. Here is what I noticed yesterday while browsing through a couple of photoshop elements books (written by the same author). In the PS Elements 7 version of a particular guide, the author mentions that PSE 7 doesn't have a true layer mask but there's an <em>easy</em> work-around to compensate for it. Browsing through the PSE 9 version of the same book (same author), the author states that one of the best new features of PSE 9 is a true layer mask, thus allowing the user to avoid the <em>cumbersome</em> work-around required in previous PSE versions. Enough said on that. Has anyone every found similar oddities? A contribution might help us save some time, effort, and money besides being humorous.</p>
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<p>The past version's work-around was easier (for some) than buying the pro version of PS. By comparison to the new version of PSE, the old work-around is cumbersome. Things change, and the standards by which we evaluate "ease" changes. I dare say that a 75-year-old clothes washing machine (a huge labor saving rig at the time) would seem impossibly cumbersome by comparison, now.</p>
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<p>Has anyone every found similar oddities?</p>


<p>These are not oddities. It happens with software all the time. A past technique that was relatively efficient and effective at the time may become a mere click of a button in future versions. The past easy method becomes cumbersome in comparison when improvement exists in a future version. Its not like your author contradicted themselves concerning the identical software package. Rather they accurately describe the situation.</p>

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