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Why was my username changed suddenly w/o my permission or notification?


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<p>I was wondering why my username was suddenly changed today without my permmission? upon registration, originally it was my first and last name, which I did not intend. This is because I did not realize as I was registering that the forum was going to use thosespecific fields for a username. Therefore, I requested a name change to "C.S.". (if it wasn't available, I requested what it has been changed to today). <br>

However, it was changed to C.S. (and I was happy with that.) For MONTHS it hasnt changed and suddenly today it was changed without my permission or prior notification. WHY? I am not trying to be shady or anything at all! I look at this forum like a diary...I know it is completely public, but I hope to remain anonymous so I can post my thoughts and pictures freely. I hope to start a business someday as a professional, and I do not want my uphill hike up the learning curve to identify who I am as a photographer.....Thanks for any help or insight into this matter:) </p>

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<p>It appears that you have two separate accounts, including one under the user ID you mentioned, <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=6320869">C.S.</a> Happens to many folks if they use more than one computer, access photo.net from different locations (home, work, school), or forget their earlier account ID and password. Just ask admin to merge the accounts under the name or user ID you prefer. We usually prefer that members have only one account, to avoid confusion that can result when a single member posts questions and/or replies under more than one ID to a single discussion or forum.</p>
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