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Cold weather photography in Calgary

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<p>I'll be travelling to Calgary next week, mostly to visit one of our customers. In order to improve customer relationship, we are going to do some dog sledding near Banff. I'd like to take some pics.<br>

<br /> I have an old Canon 300D + 28-85mm f/3.5-5.6 that I wouldn't mind to have damaged in cold weather, but I'd love to bring my 30D + some nice primes for better pictures.<br>

Any tips on how to deal with cameras at subzero degrees C and snowy conditions?</p>

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<p>One suggestion: keep your camera (in a small six-pack cooler?) in the truck of your vehicle. Once it gets cold, keep it cold. Less chance of frost going from inside to outside; less chance of a cold camera getting warmed up [in a zip lock bag] and then deciding to go outside again. And try to take a couple of batteries.</p>

<p>The US Air Force outfitted us for sub-zero weather: felt-padded overboots or bunny boots; insulated bib-overalls; gloves and over-mittens; and a large parka. Dog sledding may require some serious clothing: do you have a military surplus store in your area? You might Google</p>

<p>winter survival gear</p>

<p>and shop accordingly.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>@Jerry: the organizers of the dog sledding are pretty strict in their clothing requirements. Skisuits/insulated bibs, snowboots, multiple layers, etc. They reserve the right not let someone participate that isn't protected from cold.</p>

<p>I'll bring some extra batteries, as it seems the cold doesn't do them too much good in keeping the charges.</p>

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<p>Jerry Litynski Wish I could find pair of those boots [The US Air Force outfitted us for sub-zero weather: felt-padded overboots or bunny boots;] I thought they were called muckalucks or something to that effect, my son gave me a pair while he was in the air force has since retired<br>

not able to get me another pair but they were great for hiking in deep snow:</p>

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