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New R90 Lens


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The Leica R users on this forum may be interested to know that Santa

Claus is coming early to my house this year. I have just purchased a

new Leica R 90/f2 APO lens with US warranty which is supposed to be

in my eager hands in two days. Now must try to pick subjects for a

good test this weekend using Kodachrome 64 and Gitzo 1224 tripod. If

this new lens sample is as sharp as expected, I will probably sell my

older version R90/f2 lens. Sweaty palms waiting for delivery on Wed.

Wonder what this lens will cost me for Mama's Christmas gift? LB

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The normal price quoted for the USA version of the R90/f2 APO is $2095 from two different sources. I was told that these lenses would not be discounted for Leica Days anytime soon. I found a sample of the lens at Photovillage and bought it for a couple of upcoming trips in Nov/Dec. LB

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I handled one at Ken Hansen's last week in New York and it

was tack sharp and well made. I look forward to hearing how

well it performs before purchasing one. My eyes will be glued to

this thread for some tinme to come. Finally, I am not surprised

that the lens will not be discounted as it has all the makings of a

big winner.

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Lovely lens, bad price, but I suppose to be expected given Leica's pricing. I would never pay that much for a Leica or any 35mm lens. Even a gray import will be $1700 plus. At least they priced it below the 100mm APO. I am wondering whether the new 90mm appearance will mean the 100mm APO comes down in price secondhand. Personally, I hope so as then I might get the 100mm APO. On the other hand I can pick up the M 90mm APO equivalent for $1200 s/h. Not that I need either lens really as I have the 90mm Elmarit M and R versions and the 80mm Summilux, all superb lenses, but there is something about Leica APO lenses....
Robin Smith
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