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Dropped Canon 50mm 1.8 lens


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<p>Hmm. Well, I actually can't see any damage, at least on the surface. I do see a itty bitty dot on the blue glass in towards the lower left corner. Could the shard be from one of the filters behind the first one? On <a href="http://ghonis2.ho8.com/rebelmod450d4.html">this page</a> it shows there are a couple of them. That might not make sense. If not, I still have no idea where that shard of blue glass came from. :/ It's definitely not from the lens. I will still get the body checked out.<br>

Also, is it normal to hear something rattle if you shake your camera body? Just wondering if something inside is loose, or something. Which would make sense from that kind of fall.<br>

I took a few pictures today with a working lens today, and I feel like the auto focus is still kind of off, but I'm not sure. I feel like I'm seeing things at this point, and besides, this is a lot slower of a lens than the nifty fifty so I can't expect it to be as sharp and nonblurry and all that.<br>

Thanks for the suggestion to check that. I was expecting to see some broken glass.</p>

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<p>Tara, the glass might be from the autofocus mirror. I'm uncertain about the Xsi, but many other bodies place a second mirror behind the partially silvered primary mirror for the autofocus sensors. If you can manually select each of the AF points, see if they're all working. Compare focus from each AF point against each other and also against careful manual focus.</p>

<p>I sincerely doubt even the Chief Engineer at Canon can convince me that camera bodies should rattle.</p>


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<p>Gotcha, thanks so much for the help and suggestion of what to try. I forgot to take pictures in good light today, so I will set up a test tomorrow good lighting and see how it is focusing with working-order lens. I'll post the test shots tomorrow too if anything interesting happens.<br>

I have a question about the repair/estimate procedure. I'm totally new to this and it scares me a little bit :) I think I will have to send it somewhere, as I can't find any Canon authorized repairers in my area. So if I send it to Canon, do I call/email first? How does this work? I've tried to go through the links on Canon.com to get an estimate, and I can't for my model. Sorry if I'm being a baby about this haha. Even if it is broken, the thought of being without my camera for however long makes me sad and scared :P Not to mention I'm doing a 365 project this year, and am not quite sure how to manage without it. But. Its okay. I have a Pentax K1000 to tide me over.</p>

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<p>Canon's repair service is web based. You enter a serial number; they estimate inspection costs, and print a shipping label. The receiving center sends email on receipt and acceptance. After inspection, they'll send the repair cost for your approval. For the warranty work I had done, on overcooked flashes both times, round trip was 6 days to NJ and VA from Chicago. I paid postage to ship. They paid the return postage.</p>


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<p>So that's how it works. Thanks so much. Good deal, I will call tomorrow and try to set that up. And I may, since someone suggested it, open up my 50mm lens since its a goner anyway and clean it. It would be interesting to look inside. And then I'll just get another. Eventually. I'll let you know how much the estimate is for the body work. And I'll post later today about how the auto focus on a working lens is doing.</p>


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<p>I think the auto focus is working okay. It's a little slow and nitpicky, but I think that's normal. I don't know. I called Canon today, and they (were really nice! and) said I could just send it in and see what they think. Then I'm under no obligation to go ahead with the repair. I know its not making a noticeable difference, but I don't like knowing there's broken glass floating around in my camera some where. Am I being dumb? If it seems to be working okay, should I not send it in?</p>
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<p>Tara, my guess is something is broken. You can't identify the blue shards as coming from the broken lens, and the body rattles after taking a 200 G impact. The worst that can happen is they'll recommend a costly repair, in which case you'll be in the same situation you are already: the camera works well enough and you'll use it until it stops working. At least you'll know and can stop worrying.</p>
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<p>The rattle may be the orientation sensor. It is normal for this to make a slight noise if the camera is jostled. The blue glass may yet be lens fragments, as they are coated and hence will have a slight colour cast - more likely green than blue but who knows.<br>

Given the mirrors and IR filters are well protected by being in the center of the camera body, which seeming shows now signs of much external damage, I would be suprised if they were broken.</p>

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<p>Hi Tara,<br /> I dropped my 50mm on XS body about a week back. There was no broken glass, but the inner barrel got dented inside badly and got firmly stuck. I took it to canon and they asked quite a lot for the repair. With nothing to lose, I dismantled the lens, glued the broken plastic back and reassembled it. Now the camera body does not recognize the lens! I can't even set aperture. The MF is assisted with a confirmation beep and the AF point lighting up. No more. No beeps, no response from motor (in AF), no nothing. When i was reassembling the lens, I made sure that the "cable" from lens contacts to the circuit board inside was intact.<br /> When I picked up the cam after I had just dropped it, the AF motor was trying to rotate when I pressed the shutter release half-way down.<br /> It seems as if the electronics of the lens just went dead! I don't know what else to do about it. Any suggestions from experienced people? Much appreciated.<br /> Here's a link to some pics I took while taking the lens apart: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/aashish_delhi/sets/72157625856765699/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/aashish_delhi/sets/72157625856765699/</a> <br /> Thanks for reading! :-)<br /> Regards,<br /> Aashish<br /> P.S. The XS body seems to work fine with the 18-55mm kit lens. The pics on the flickr link were taking using that.</p>
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<p><strong>Update:</strong> Still trying to get my camera to the repair facility in Virginia. I have no idea why its been so difficult. I did wait a while, and finally sent it this past Tuesday. First it was missent - the post office's error - and was rerouted around Virginia. They tried to deliver it yesterday, and since I wanted confirmation on delivery and I guess there's nobody there on Saturdays, they couldn't deliver it. So now its at the post office, and I have to get it re-delivered. Somehow I don't think Canon will go pick it up from there :) Sigh. I don't know why its been so hard. But I'll update with the estimate whenever I get it.</p>
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<p>Peter J: Haha well the hour and half drive would have just been to bring it to *some* kind of camera repair place, not Canon itself. But yes. I don't want to be upset at the postal service because I really love mail in general, but I'm kind of bummed at this point. Maybe I should have UPS-ed it or something. Oh well.</p>
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Lens repair: $54.88<br>

Body repair: $230</p>

<p>Yikes... I'm going to look around the internet a bit at what kind of deals I can get before I get the repair done. I think. Should I just do it? Or... save up a bit and just wait till I can afford something else? I don't know.</p>

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<p>Tara, that has to hurt. If nothing else, you'll need to fix it to sell it. Make sure the going price for the body is enough to be meaningful. $300, maybe, if you intend only to sell it. You'll get a few more months or years of use, and then break even when you sell. Or just get out now, and put the money toward the new body. There's no good news here at all.</p>


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  • 2 months later...

<p>Remember me?<br>

I have since sent my camera and lens in for repairs, and have received them back from Canon. For some reason... things still seem a little.. off. Do these pictures look weird to you? I just think bokeh looks differently than it did before now. Maybe I'm being too sensitive. I don't know.<br>

<a title="Still weird by טרה, on Flickr" href=" Still weird src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5308/5673188428_202540ce26.jpg" alt="Still weird" width="500" height="375" /></a></p>

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