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<p>I bought this scanner a few months ago. I had about 800 negatives to scan from my candid shots from my wedding, and all I can say is that this scanner had one horrible film holder... It really was a pain to use. I looked around but could not find anything good, so after scanning the set of film I decided to return the scanner. <br>

Scan quality was good, I had no problems with it after setting all the settings up; but holder lost my interest on the scanner.<br>

Good luck buddy!</p>

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<p>I have the better scanning holder and it is not bad. Considering what you use, it would be a definite step up.</p>

<p>I even grew tired of this and built my own wetscan mount - <a href="http://myfilmstuff.blogspot.com/2010/04/5-wet-mount.html">http://myfilmstuff.blogspot.com/2010/04/5-wet-mount.html</a>. I use the better scanning for rough work or negs that are not too curled (it doesn't deal with that very well). Everything else I use my own. I would use a commercial product if there actually was one out there, but this is it.</p>

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I have the betterscanning holder with glass for 120. They are very well made, but just remember a couple of things: the negs must be very clean before you cover them with glass because you can't blow them off. If they do have some dust or scratches, that compounds problems #2, which is that digital ICE is less effective, at least on my V500. I think the ANR glass interferes with the system. Other than that, I use it most of the time. If you get one, put a sticker on the top so you won't have to figure it out each time (the sides are different).</p>

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