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Group of Clubs Website


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<p>We are a group of South Western Ontario, Canada, Camera Clubs. We are interested in setting up a website

to facilitate communication between our 15 individual clubs. We want to share information on programmmes

and post actual images of winning pictures in inter club competitions. Do you have any suggestions

as to how we can do this at a resonable cost?</p>


p> </p>�

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<p>You should be able to host a Drupal-powered community web site for well under $20/month. Drupal in a content management system that provides for membership, granular control over who can post what where, and lots of ready-to-roll themes/templates you can use to get it rolled out quickly. You might want to engage a Drupal specialist just to cut down some of the learning curve by a couple of hours. That's how I'd do it, anyway.<br /><br />Or, you could really keep it cheap, and create a Facebook group. But that way lies madness, I think.</p>
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