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5x7 High Speed Film Grain.

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<p>Hello All,</p>

<p>I have been shooting 25 and 100 ISO film outdoors in 5x7 format with good results. Recently though I have a need for speed, and have a bit of a problem in the lens I have on my camera has no flash sync provisions. The camera is an 1895 Premo long focus with a B&L RR lens. Amazingly this camera is still fully functional. The really usable shutter speeds are 1/25th and 1/100th (max). This will be an indoor portrait project so I will certainly need 800EI minimum to give me some lighting control.<br>

In looking at what is available to me - HP5+, TXP320, Foma400 - I am curious if anyone has previous results they can show with these 5x7 versions in ambient light ( no flash ) pushed to 800 & 1600 EI. My concern is grain here. Ideally I would like to find which one of these films presents the least amount of grain. The developers I keep onhand are HC110, Rodinal, Xtol, DD-X, and Tmax. Given the price per box of these 5x7 films, I really would like to do a bit of research before buying flim. Any examples of these would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!</p>

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<p>How large do you intend to print your 5x7 negs? Grain isn't typically noticeable, even with fast film, until the enlargement factor gets up to around 4X, or more. That's a good sized portrait (20" x 35"). If you intend to print larger, a fine grain developer might be useful. TMY-2 in replenished Xtol would be an excellent combination. Good luck!</p>
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