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Fujica 35SE

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<p><strong>Vasudevan</strong> - thanks for posting. These are great images. I really like the gas station shot. It reminds me of a series of photographs I saw once by a European photographer, can't remember who, of abandoned gas stations in Europe. Anyone know who I am talking about? Vague description, I know.</p>

<p>Couple of things though - first, please post up pictures of the camera! We're camera porn addicts around here. I've seen pictures of the 35SE thanks to Rick D, but always want to see more :-)</p>

<p>Also, you might want to resize your photos so that they are max 700pixels on the long end - this allows you to post inline and also add captions below the image.</p>

<p>Finally, I appreciate your style - very "SP" like.</p>

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<p>Don'T you just hate that when customs lands on you too! It seems random. I'm being told if the commercial value is under X then it's not worth them bothering... This seems a fallacy even low ticket items get charged now too here in Germany.<br>

Wow those Gas stations look right out europe, only they are full of cars and trucks! Cool Toilet advertising! It is good to get a clook at culture. That restaurant has a strong "Veg" clientèle!! I think the tree is really well done! We do need our camera photos!</p>

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<p>Wonderful pics, Vasudevan! They really showcase the wonderful lens on that camera, one of my favorite lenses of <em>any </em>rangefinder. Fujicas are awesome cameras with a quality and feel that you seldom find these days. Thanks for a great post and for sharing your corner of the world.</p>
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<p>Nice pics.</p>

<p>Second vote for</p>


<p>Also, you might want to resize your photos so that they are max 700pixels on the long end - this allows you to post inline and also add captions below the image.</p>


<p>To get them to display they can only be a maximum of 700 pixels in max dimension, and you not only <em>can</em>, but MUST put in a caption for them to display in the post.</p>

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<p>Kayam - Thanks. will post pics of the camera soon & thanks for reminding me to keep pics under 700 megapixels. The brew is "SP" patent and i started using a couple of FSU rangefinders at home/film cameras after reading one of his posts, John - Thanks. Amenities are slowly getting better in the outskirts. These pics were taken on the Bangalore - Chennai highway which is a high traffic density/popular route , Rick - Your campaign is surely working. Thanks. Very nice camera indeed!, Chuck - Thanks. First time i had to pay duty and certainly a irritant, Andy - Thanks, JDM - Thanks will remember to post pics under 700 megapixels </p>


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<p>Great shots. I haven't gotten around to collecting any Fuji full frame 35's yet, though I do have a Fujica Half and a Fuji GS 645S. I remember seeing ads for the Fujica 35SE and others in some back issues of Popular Photography. By the time my family opened a camera shop in 1974 the only Fujica cameras that we sold were the M42 mount SLR's (and later X mount models.)<br>

Great shots and thanks for sharing.</p>

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