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Photo contests: Is it worth a shot?

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<p>There are lots of Photography contest running around town asking for entries and challenging photographic skills. I happen to check a few from reputable sites and it seems like there are lots of opportunities around. I was wondering if it is really worth submitting an entry and what do you guys normally feel about this contests. </p>
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<p>First thing I would do is check their terms and conditions. Many of these competitions are done to harvest images - in some cases by submitting photos you grant the organisers a license to use the images. Also know as 'rights grabbing'</p>

<p>You can read up on the concept here: <a href="http://www.pro-imaging.org/content/view/164/161/1/3/">http://www.pro-imaging.org/content/view/164/161/1/3/</a></p>

<p>Just something to be wary of, competitions can still be a great means to get your photos out there, and to get some feedback, just make sure you read the small print.</p>

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<p>Mart is absolutely right. Check the terms and conditions carefully. Getting accepted into a juried show or an online competition is also something that looks good on your resume'. Win or not, it's at least some recognition that your work is of interest.</p>
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