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old wood box camera have any resale value?

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<p>It's unlikely to have any value at all, I'm afraid. Dollars, pounds, euros, Rob's estimate is about right. A Zeiss Box Tengor might fetch a little more. I guess if you're checking for resale values, then there's no sentimental value attached, so you could try what I've done in these situations, and that's clean it up and put a film through it, purely for the hell of it, assuming it will load 120 film. These old box cameras are simple enough that anybody can take them apart and clean them. The shutter may need a clean, but won't need any lubrication, which can in fact cause more problems than it solves. You might get more fun value out of making it work and producing pictures again, than the hassle of selling it for as little as you're likely to realise. I've restored a couple, and it's a pleasant evening or two when the TV schedules are dull.</p>

<p>PS : Just seen Tom's response. The sheet film might make it even more exciting!</p>

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<p>I had the use of one of these once. It took 12 glass plates, 4x5 in my case. I still have some glass negs that were with the original camera. <br>

It belonged to my great uncle who was an aspiring photographer in the early 1900's. With it was a notebook list the pictures he had taken in the neighborhood and how much he was paid for each one. If I can find the negs in the next few days I'll try and scan them and post.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Terrible condition. If, mind you <em>if</em>, it has the plate feature, it might grab a few bucks from somebody interested in restoring, but I shouldn't imagine much, even then. I'd be very surprised if it were a hidden treasure trove of great value, but the price is whatever someone is willing to pay on a given day.</p>
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