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R8 Lenses to Use for Digital - Which Digital SLR?

john romano

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<p>I have a number of Leica R lenses which I would like to use for digital images. Based on some light, but older research, there are some adapters to use with some compatible digital SLR bodies.</p>

<p>What, if any, digital SLR bodies will work with Leica R lenses, and what adapter is necessary?</p>

<p>My main reason for wanting to do this is that I value my high-end Leica R lenses, and I don't want to replace them with other lenses for a new digital SLR body.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

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<p>I've been using R lenses for about 7 months now on a Sigma SD14 body. The body flange for the lens was replaced with a Sigmacumlaude Pro Leica R adapter (the heavy duty one, as I often use it with a 400mm Telyt). One can shoot in either manual mode or aperture priority, but in all cases it uses stopped down metering. Which brings me to the point...other than the DMR, you stop down your lenses manually...so if you like to shoot with your aperture stopped down, you need plenty of light to see and properly focus, as triggering the shutter does not automatically stop down the lens. But then many of us bought the Leica R lenses because we intended to use them wide open, or nearly so. The Sigma uses a Foveon sensor, which is quite different from the sensors on other DSLRs. I won't go into details, but you can check them out on Sigma's web site as well as lots of forums.<br>

A number of folks are also using the Leitax adapter (expensive as one is required for each R lens), which replaces the Leica R flange on each lens, and allows the lenses to be used on the Nikon line of DSLRs. BTW the conversion is reversible. Same remaining drawbacks as mentioned in my first paragraph.</p>


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<p>I forgot to mention the micro 4/3 cameras (via adapters), but again same drawbacks mentioned in my above para., plus the angle of view is about half of the normal for a given lens (or stated differently...the apparent focal length is about doubled).</p>
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<p>Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>After much consideration and telephone calls for advice, I think I'm going for the Sigma 14MP and pro adapter.</p>

<p>It seems to make sense from a lot of different viewpoints. I don't want to modify my Leica lenses, nor do I want to spend over $1,000 to accomplish this.</p>

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<p>Wouldn't it be great if we Leica R shooters had a selection of affordable Leica R digital bodies to choose from. One DMR me put me in the doghouse but a second DMR as a backup would be grounds for divorce. If Solms can put out the D-Lux line why not a digital body at a similar price point for an R mount body? I'd like to hear some opinions on this. </p>
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<p>It would be great, but I have a hunch that the market is too small for Leica to do this and make enough profit at it.</p>

<p>As it was, the DMR was close to $6,000, I believe, which isn't worth it for me given how fast digital SLR's are developing. Nor would I want to spend $6 grand for digital given that I am an (advanced) hobbyist.</p>

<p>Yet, I will not part with my Leica R lenses for anything. They have decades of life in them.</p>

<p>I believe our only hope is for Leica to license another company to make a DSLR which would accept Leica R lenses.</p>

<p>Time will tell. And, so far, nothing has happened, which to me is a BIG indicator.</p>

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<p>The market for what you guys are talking about -- a new dslr for Leica R lenses -- is about you two guys and maybe a hundred other people. The canon adapter for the Leica R lenses works fine and no dslr of any ingenuity is going to be able to improve on the performance you'll get there. I used my Elmarit R 35mmf/2.8 on a Panasonic G1 for a while -- the results were outstanding but the lens was too big and heavy for the little camera. If I had a collection of R lenses (I sold the Elmarit and now have an R4s and an Elmarit-R 35-70mm f/4 zoom) and the money to get a new dslr I'd snap up the Canon 5D MkII so fast you wouldn't even see my hands moving. As it is I have a Nikon D300 and I would never commit surgery on the lens just for that.</p>
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<p>>The market for what you guys are talking about -- a new dslr for Leica R lenses -- is about you two guys and maybe a hundred other people.</p>

<p>Oh...I thought there were more than 102 people who own Leica R glass.</p>

<p>I just thought that they might like to have a digital body that was minimally affordable, by Leica, that produced the image quality of the DMR. If Leica made a digital body at the same price point as the 5D mkII I think the choice most of us would make wouldn't surprise anyone. IMHO Solms made a big mistake cancelling the R10 project. I think a lot of Leica shooters, myself included, were very disappointed.</p>


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<p>Yesterday, I received a communication from Leica USA regarding Leica R lenses and a potential DSLR from Leica (and, I'm not making this up):</p>

<p>"At this time, Leica does not have a current digital product that will accept R series lenses. They are working on something but there are no details of when it would be available or what it would be like. The only info we have been given is ”they are working on a solution for R lens owners”</p>

<p>Notice he did NOT use the word "if" in relation to "when" or "available".</p>

<p>It surprised me because every Leica reseller told me different. There's hope!</p>

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<p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/12196831-lg.jpg" alt="" width="1490" height="652" /><br>

Nine Dragon Wall in Beihai Park, Beijing<br>

Canon 5DMARKII+ElmaritR19<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/12195557-lg.jpg" alt="" width="1490" height="719" /><br>

Summer Palace<br>


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/12196870-lg.jpg" alt="" width="1480" height="1065" /><br>

Misty Mount Lu<br>


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<p>Man that's a nice lens. The Mount Lu picture in particular is stunning. You can probably get some kind of plug-in for Photoshop that would automatically correct that barrel distortion which is so evident when you're shooting the straight lines. I'm not clear how to do it but apparently it's not a big problem.</p>
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