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New Member from NC, USA

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<p> Hello!</p>

<p> My name is Amanda, and I'm a semi-pro from North Carolina. I mostly do portrait and fine art/ nature work; I keep turning down weddings because I'm a chicken, but I'm trying to work up the nerve. :) I bought my first dSLR (a Canon Rebel XS) a couple of years ago at the suggestion of the Myers-Briggs personality test (INTP!), and fell in love with the very first click of the shutter. People started trying to pay me for my photographs, and I immediately started taking classes and reading everything photography-related I could find. I feel so unbelievably fortunate to have found something that I love so much that has been so well received by others!!!</p>

<p> I've gotten so many great answers from the photo.net forums through Google searches that I finally had to break down and join. I almost always come here for reviews when I'm considering a new piece of gear, or a business idea. The prospect of getting to know so many great photographers here is both exciting and humbling, and I'm looking forward to meeting some new people who share this "disease".</p>

<p> I just recently (as in yesterday) launched a website redesign with a new logo that I hope you'll like. You can view it <a href="http://www.photoluxestudios.com">here</a>. The blog there is pretty new (only 3 posts!), but there is a small gallery of images. I know that the functionality is a little quirky on the gallery page, and I hope to update the image selection pretty soon. </p>

<p> Feedback is welcomed and appreciated. I'm looking forward to "meeting" you all!</p>

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