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Epson MB and PB Ink Setting

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<p>I am placing an order this week for an Epson 3880 printer. I understand the need to switch between matt black and photo black ink carts very well. Most paper surfaces are obvious to me, either matt or photo (RC) and using the right ink cart I do not see as a problem. There are papers however, such as HARMAN Gloss FB AL and Epson Exhibition Fiber, that I do not know what catagory they fal in. Purusing the manufacturer's websites unfortunatly provides no clue. </p>

<p>Any insight regarding the black inkcart settings for these two papers, as well as any general information to confirm the surface of the paper, therefore knowing which blak ink cart to use is appreciated.</p>

<p>Best, Doug</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>As Brad & Eric said, both Harman Gloss FB AL and Epson Exhibition Fiber use the Photo Black ink.</p>

<p>All papers with Gloss, Semigloss or Lustre surface use the Photo Black</p>

<p>Matte, watercolor, velvet and plain papers use the MB</p>

<p>Another way:<br>

Usually papers have a recomended setting available on the product's websites. Once your printer is installed, you can try those settings in the printer driver. It will choose the appropriate black ink depending on the paper. The printer will not proceed to change inks until you accept the changes, so there is no danger in changing settings to see what ink a specific paper uses, just make sure you hit the cancel button</p>

<p>An excellent source of information for 3800/3880 printers is Eric Chan <a href="http://people.csail.mit.edu/ericchan/dp/Epson3800/index.html">Web page</a>. Lots of useful information and paper profiles</p>

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