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What kind of Goose?


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<p>Our lake in NW Tennessee. It is actually about the same size, just a little smaller than the lesser Canadian Geese that is hanging out with. Has much shorter neck and grayish white beak. thanks for your help. Will try to post another / better pix. But as far as I know, coots are smaller?</p><div>00XdeE-299403684.jpg.b513147accec5a1e1bfae6efc2f1486d.jpg</div>
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<p>I'm relatively certain that you have a hybrid of a Canada Goose and "something else." Even though species are usually reproductively isolated (i.e., viable offspring aren't produced between species), that's not always the case.</p>
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<p>Where was the image taken?</p>

<p>I have a friend who is a professional ornithologist, I'll run it by him.</p>

<p>My best guess is a hybrid too. The bill shape, white around the bill and the general size, neck shape, leg color, looks like a little like a White Fronted goose. The rump, cheek patch, bill color, head shape, looks like a Canada.<br>

I'll take your word that this isn't a Photoshop job</p>

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<p>This is clearly a goose, Canada Goose mixed with...who knows what. The bill shape is unlike that of a Canada Goose so I believe it is a mix as opposed to a Canada Goose with unusual markings. Size wise, it is smaller than most adult Canadas but you cannot go by size due to extreme variation in addition to different subspecies.</p>

<p>It may be important to know what the origin of the bird is. Did it breed with another species on the summer nesting grounds in the Arctic or is it one that is there year-round which I believe would increase the chances of being a mix with local "farm" or other non-native geese? I see little reason to think it is a hybrid with anything other than another goose.</p>

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<p>Possibly a cackling goose: <br /> http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Cackling_Goose/id <br /> http://www.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/ecology/wildlife/display?Cackling+Goose<br /> OR if you scroll down this page a bit, you will see some "Partially Albino" Canada and cackling geese as well as some hybrids it looks similar too:<br /> http://www.schmoker.org/BirdPics/CACG_CANG.html</p>
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<p>A good friend of mine who is a very serious birder, not me lol, suggested by my verbal description only, she did not see the photos, that it sounds maybe like a brant. This is also some type of small goose. I'm not going to venture into territory about which I know nothing, so I'll leave it at that.</p>
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