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Noritsu DM-201 Densitometer Calibration


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<p>So i received this Densitometer and got the manual but no original calibration film nor plaques (for reflection calibration). I have borrowed a step wedge with five calibrated film strips (known densities).<br>

I am trying to calibrate de DM-201. After entering the CAL mode for transmission, it first asks for an inicial measurement without any film. That´s ok. Then it asks for the original calibration film to be measured to complete the process. Since i do not have the original, i place one of the strips i have and take a measure. It then shows 1.54 in the Visual Mode display. BUT none of my strips is 1.54. I have one 1.25 and another 2.05 as the nearest densities. Any strip placed as the second (high) point, shows a 1.54 value and then SUCCESSFUL calibration. Apparently the original calibration film strip from Noritsu is a 1.54 density film. So where should i change this value to one of the known values that i have in hand? As far as i understand, the unit is not properly calibrated until i have a 1.54 density film or until i change the internal setting so that the second (high measurement) is one of the strips i have.</p>

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<p>I don't know the unit--- but I'm familiar with a number of others and they tend to be, more or less, similar--- but one typically needs to set the calibration point. You need to tell the machine that the high point is say 3.0 (if you high point is 3.0 against a standard). It will then take that point and together with the zero point create a linear reference. One then reads the points in between to confirm the linearity of the unit.<br>

There is surely some set-up menu, knob or set-screw to turn to set the value. Its currently been set to 1.54. Since you have a 2.05 then you need to set it to 2.05 and use that--- the higher the density the better.</p>

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