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Nikon Wednesday Pic 2010: #41

Matt Laur

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<p>My contribution for this week is from couple of weeks back... it's an HDR and it may look oversaturated to some, I am still learning to tone it down during HDR process in photomatix.</p>

<p>btw, thanks Chris Speaker for the comment on my last week's submission.</p>

<p>This one taken with D90 + 70-300mm VR @ 95mm 1/50 f11 ISO200</p>

<p><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_v_Hx1NTKpoc/TKvGD6hHuWI/AAAAAAAABzY/EWRfa_bkCvg/s800/DSC_0233_2_2_web.jpg" alt="" /><br /></p>


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<p>I love the Border Collie pictures! We have one of our own and he is <strong>always</strong> entertaining. I wasn't going to take the time to post a picture this morning - too busy - but with the other border collie pictures mine seems appropriate. These are two of the 10 or so tennis balls that are always underfoot.</p><div>00XTPm-290025684.jpg.4276bfe61fb294513e5c7bbedc5caf49.jpg</div>
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<p>Hi. We still get a some dark feelings in NY seeing a plane overhead. This is Washington Squa re last week with a FM2n and 50/1.8 AiS, Fuji 1600 shot at ISO 800, developed in Xtol and scanned on my crappy scanner. The pictures here, as every week, are inspiringly good.</p><div>00XTQH-290027584.thumb.jpg.afbddf61572d6d74575a52e9a11fbec1.jpg</div>
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<p>PS correction: that picture wasn't taken at f/2.8, it was taken at f/11 or f/16. I don't know what I was thinking when I typed that (actually I do but it's not important, merely dumb). I needed even more depth of field than I got, as you can see. </p>
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<p>It has been a while since I could post. I have been very busy. This was taken 2 weeks ago at the Oktoberfest<br>

<a title="Floating Beer by kunstmacher, on Flickr" href=" Floating Beer src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4084/5065439124_9aaec4a878_z.jpg" alt="Floating Beer" width="640" height="428" /></a><br>

<strong>Floating Beer</strong><br>

Nikon D80 18-135mm kit lens @135mm f/5.6 1/500s </p>

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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=786707">Tiffany Brook</a>, <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5860108">Allan Armstrong</a>, I guess it is somewhat of an illusion with the long lens. I was safely on the beach, in a beach chair as a matter of fact. The surfer was probably 100 yards away. Sometimes I do venture out into the tide pools for a better angle though, depending on the break and the sun.</p>
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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=1183736">Marc McCoy</a> Great work with the bugs on the white background. Loved the fly from last week too. You have a coffee table book or exhibition in the making.</p>

<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=786707">Tiffany Brook</a> Your photos always amaze me. Love the bulldog's expression. Your website is exceptional as well.</p>

<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5877603">Nicole Litalien</a> A moment of pure joy, nicely captured.</p>

<p><a name="00XTGu"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4641068">Greg Kowalczewski</a> You're always there at the decisive moment.</p>

<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=997829">Rick Moran</a> Nice job on the egret aerial ballet. I still haven't figured out how to expose for the egret's white on white. How much do you underexpose?</p>

<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5860108">Allan Armstrong</a> I feel like I'm in the race.</p>

<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5189670">Jeannean Buglady</a> I always enjoy your photos. A nice study in white and gray this week.</p>

<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5159294">Doug Rice</a> I can see you like to pan and you do it well. Better than bokeh, with a perfect sense of motion.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hi everyone, after seeing all the photos I am thinking that mine isn't really up to standard, but seeing that this isn't a competition and we can't always have only good photos I will add my contribution. Was doing my first "food photo shoot" over the weekend. Ended up taking photos of our supper as well.</p><div>00XTVl-290091584.jpeg.302574786930f09787b1a838cc81c71e.jpeg</div>
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<p>Taken early Monday morning from the back yard of the house at which we were staying in Bryant Pond, Maine. This is the view across Lake Christopher, during the 15 minutes the rising sun illuminates the cliff across the pond. What you cannot hear is the two loons that were calling to each other as I took this shot. A beautiful, chilly fall morning in Maine.</p>


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<p>Nikon Buddies,<br>

Seems like tigers and mid-air action shots are today's specialties. I especially noticed Elliot B, Greg K, Sen C, Damon D, Richard S, and Doug R.<br>

<br />My contribution is another shot with my new/used 50mm 1.4 all-manual lens.</p>


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<p>Great shots everyone !! <br>

Jeannean, thanks for mentioning my cicada wing shots! Yours was amazing. I don't think I have posted mine here. The wings reminded me of stained glass with the leaded panels. I placed flowers behind the wings and here is what it produced.</p>


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