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<p>Let us all give Thanks to our families and friends, and strangers alike, who give us joy, happiness, and those precious and fleeting moments which we strive to capture vainly in our favorite medium, film photography.<br />And give Thanks for all of us dedicated to documenting bygone eras and memories of yesteryear. I quote this song <em>Bookends</em> form Simon & Garfunkel:<br />Time it was, and what a time it was, it was <br />A time of innocence, a time of confidences <br />Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph <br />Preserve your memories, they're all that's left you</p>

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<p>This old man has alot to be thankful for and I am very thankful that my family will get together tommorow evening. Everyone except my baby girl ( 22 y/o ) who resides in London UK, but she is coming home for christmas for a three week visit. A forecast of snow flurries tommorows eve. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.</p>
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<p>Happy Thanksgiving everyone, am about to step out with my Minolta Vectis S-1 and a 56-170mm maxxum lens. Yes, the lesser film formats are all the rage with me these days, and do not know why (16mm, 110, 126, APS and Disc). One thing is for sure, I am having fun.</p>
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