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Identifying species of caterpillar


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I took a whole bunch of photos of wildlife and plants. I was able to identify all but 2. Where would it be appropriate to post 2 photos (one of a caterpillar and one of a tiny plant) and expect that someone would actually be kind enough to help me identify the species?<br>


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<p>Hi Yuri. It may be presumptuous of me because I am not the moderator of this forum but it would seem like a legitimate question for Nature. I think it would be safe to post your question in Casual Photo Conversations but choose only one forum and do not post it in both. You could also ask for a Critique, with your question being in the subject but I would not hope for much. Regards.</p>
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<p>Hi Yuri & Walter.<br>

I'm not the moderator either of this forum (that honor goes to <a href="http://www.photo.net/shared/community-member?user_id=14630">Bob Atkins</a> & <a href="http://www.photo.net/shared/community-member?user_id=24372">Shun Cheung</a>). While asking questions about 'what is it?' are not exactly the charter of this forum, people do ask to identify organisms from time to time here (in Nature) and it seems (to me) that provided we do this in moderation it is a service that serves our Nature photography community...and it can be a lot of fun too. As a naturalist first and foremost (and a photographer second) I enjoy the challange that some of these postings offer.<br>

So we'll leave this question in the able hands of Bob and Shun.</p>


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