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<p>One could assume (speculate) that CS3 is no longer being manufactured..? Yet many <em>Shoppers</em>, like myself, don't (yet) have the required hardware for CS5. We've been through the quandary to exhaustion a few months back. Even had myself (together with another Forum participant) insulted by a <em>true blood</em> Geek. Because we insisted that as long as a non-Intel Mac G5 runs the way it does (beautifully smooth) we don't need to upgrade. Even if that means <em><strong>no </strong></em>CS5... Whether similar issues exist in the Windows environment, I wouldn't know. I for one bit the bullet and upgraded to CS4. Only because CS3's ACR wouldn't open the RAW images of a newer type DSLR. The camera, of course, came with its own rather efficient sw. But another app, another learning curve...<br>

As I mentioned above, Harry, just a guess.</p>

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<p>Having made the upgrade recently I must say these were not my best spent 1100 euros. Actually CS5 has brought me nothing but trouble so far and my old iMac will keep it's CS3 for the rest of its life. Content-aware fill should have stayed a joke, and the small tweaks to the workspace have made at least my life harder.</p>
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<p>I know this would not be counted as helpful, but I've just loaded my old copy of cs2 on my new windows7 64bit machine, and bridge now recognises the raw files from my d300s, something it didn't do on the old machine. Strangely though, photoshop still wont open them. I'll get lightroom instead.</p>
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