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Light leaks...Salut (Салют)

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<p> Hello<br>

Did you ever see such light leak , it is more like in the middle of photo and I do not know what to think.<br>

Got Salut (Салют), 1970 camera couple days ago and try it two times , both times only two photos got such problems , does not looks like it from back?<br>

Thank you very much...</p>

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<p>Pavel, as you wrote, it does not look like a light leak from the camera. The Vega lens I mentioned was a poor design which was not entirely light-tight, resulting in similar-looking spots on the film. I would recommend you check your camera + lens for this. Put a good lens cap on the Industar and open the camera's back in a dark room, then shine a flashlight all around the lens/camera and check from the open camera's back if there is a leak somewhere.</p>
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<p>Pete , yes it is shutter lens , I just did as Bueh gave advise and check it with flash light and I think I found problem , it is front sides between screen and body so light go throw waist level finder. Have to try to take pictures with Prizm .<br>

Thank you very much</p>

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<p>It is not, Pavel.</p>

<p>It will be a language thing. A shutter(ed) lens is a lens that has a shutter in it, i.e. something can close the lens completely, and open again for a timed period to expose the film.<br>

The Industar 29 is not. It has a variable aperture, that controls the amount of light that can come through it, but no shutter.<br>

It is a semi-automatic aperture, that closes at the press of a bottom. But not a shutter.<br>

The Salyut has a focal plane shutter in front of the film instead.</p>

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<p>Pavel, have you checked with the shutter open at "bulb"? Only then (with the mirror up and the focal plane shutter open) you can see how light would fall unto the film.</p>

<p>With my problematic Kiev-60 Vega lens I just put a small piece of black tape over the offending part (the depth-of-field preview lever). This fixed it.</p>

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<p>Bueh , thank you very much it was very good advise , I did as you told me and found leak on the edge of screen and body , did try tape but it is not working , so I think live it for now. Got camera on Ebay in excl condition ,... was stated :)</p>
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