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Canon F-1: Forty Years


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<p>The F-1 is one of my favorites. My first one has an L E screen in it. My second one has an L D screen in it. I now use them with a -2 diopter. In 1970 I didn't need that. When I think of the Nikon FTN or even the later F2 with the DP-1, the Canon F-1 with the built-in meter has a nicer look. It's still heavy and well made but not as bulky on top.</p>
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<p>And it came with an instruction manual 1/10th the volume of today's digital whatnots that was easy to understand/use. I consider the FD line of cameras to be Canon at its' best. My three F1s never cease to excite me despite my use of many other brands and formats in both digital and film. These cameras exude quality of construction from film advance to shutter activation. Whatever limitations it may possess are simply much less important than what any competent photographer needs. What a great, great camera!</p>
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<p>James...excellent plan about taking your F-1 with you. I'm sure my wife will dump all my Canons into the casket with me...getting rid of 2 annoyances at one time.</p>

<p>I hope you take some extra batteries with you. Don't expect the "Sunny 16" rule to work in hell :-)</p>

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