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E6 Trancparency FIlm equivalent in C41 negative Film... The death of the E6 process???

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<p>I think this meme may have started from a column by Thomas Sowell, who noted that his preferred local lab, which serviced many professionals and to which he had been going for years, was discontinuing E-6 development. He mentioned that other labs still process E-6, but also that "the writing is on the wall". He goes on to lament the passing of Kodachrome.</p>

<p>While I agree with the sentiment that it's sad to see the retreat of film development, I don't agree that "the writing is on the wall" any more that it is for printers of books in this age of Kindles and iPads. The volumes may decrease, but it's not going away for good, not anytime soon.</p>

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<p>They're not going to get rid of E-6. It may be harder to come by, but think of all the landscape photographers that use it in their view cameras. Also, a lot of the digital prints are still printed on photographic paper and developed in traditional chemistry. Lamda, and lightjet prints still use traditional chemistry. So, even though E-6 is reversal chemistry, the companies that manufacture the chemistry for digital prints on photographic paper, should still produce the E-6 chemistry for slides. You can always send your slides to places like hollandphoto.com in Texas. They have a good reputation, and you should do very well considering the Pound/Dollar exchange rate.</p>
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<p>Nathan, I thought your question was about C-41 positive film. Which would be a great idea, actually! I am not, of course, talking about cross-processing (which was fun for a few minutes back in the '90s then got old).</p>

<p>Eastman makes positive and negative motion picture film which use the same process (AFAIK!). Maybe that is the solution. Of course they will fade if projected, so if projection is your goal, yeah, E-6 still needs to hang around.</p>

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  • 4 months later...
<p>I have no idea whatsoever where Kelly got the idea for her rant (above) about batch manufacturing. I see absolutely nothing in this thread or any other to trigger such a lecture. In fact, any child intuitively understands the economies of scale and the fundamentals of the production process. The only thing I can think of to explain Kelly's rant is that she (or he) just learned these things herself in an economics class and was looking for someone to lecture. Very bizarre! It's also an insult to everyone on photo.net because she addressed us all as if we were morons. Very condescending and insulting!</p>
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