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Visibility Options in Hidden Folders


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<p>Dear PN Team,</p>

<p>Would it be possible to add more control over visibility of individual photos in hidden gallery folders?</p>

<p>I recently posted a couple of test/example shots as part of a response to a forum question. I added them in a hidden folder and linked to them, but, although the folder is hidden, the photos get rotated through the sidebar and show up at the bottom of forums where I have posted. It would be great if we could control the visibility of actual photos in hidden folders. In this case, it would be nice to have them available via direct link, but not be visible through any of the randomized display tools.</p>

<p>Is this a possibility? It would help members be helpful but also manage their portfolio better.</p>

<p>FWIW, I tried to add the photos as links in the post itself, but couldn't get that to work, perhaps due to file size issues. (I was trying to illustrate high ISO grain so left photo relatively unprocessed and rather large.) See original post <a href="../canon-eos-digital-camera-forum/00X5Fn">here</a>.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great work you all do behind the scenes!</p>

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<p>I agree, it would be nice not to have hidden photos (even though I know they are not truly hidden) pop up in forums in which I participate and in the random sampling throughout the site. I hide things I don't want representing me anymore, even though I prefer to leave them as potential learning vehicles so I can refer to them (as Devon notes) and because people took the time to comment on them and I'd prefer not to remove them from the site.</p>
We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>I made the suggestion that we be given the ability to control our hidden folders at the time when the, photos on the bottom of the page feature, was introduced. I did so for pretty much the same reasons Fred has stated. The only control thus far given to us is to opt out of the feature completely which is what I have had to resort to in the absence of any better options.</p>



At the time of the original discussion Bob Atkins made the good suggestion that we be able to create a folder in our portfolio specifically for the new feature and have the images presented at the bottom of the page drawn from that folder. In this way we would have control over what appears, we could change what was in the folder to keep it current and the problem with the feature now revealing our hidden folder would go away. The suggestion was never responded to by the administration so I have no idea of either the practicality nor of managements position on the idea.

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<p>I guess Bob's idea could work too, but personally I don't need that level of control. Bob's idea would also involve moving photos out of presentations or theme-based folders, which for me would be a negative. I can see positives, too; but I would restructure my portfolio as a result. My main concern is the ability to block images that I have uploaded in response to forum posts, most of which involve technical issues and pixel peeping. These images contribute to the community by helping others, but don't really gel with my portfolio.</p>
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