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I'm seeking some advice about insurance. <br>

I've been approached to shoot a wedding. Normally I do not shoot weddings but I am considering this wedding. This is a crazy question - I don't have insurance. Is it required and how much of a fool would I be not to have insurance (perhaps I answered my own question). <br>

Also - I am going to be second shooting weddings. Does anyone know if I would be covered under the main shooters insurance since the business belongs to them? <br /><br />Thank you ! </p>

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<p>Your client may not think of requiring you to carry liability insurance, but if you break or damage something they own, they will be sure to ask you to make good on it. There are thousands of ways to bump into stuff, trip over it, step on it, knock it over and on and on... This is why you need insurance. Many business people consider a 1M policy to be a reasonable minimum. </p>

<p>Your insurance policy will cover all of your activities including assignments you take as an independent contractor. You will have to work out the details of your employment as a second shooter to determine if you are an employee or a contractor. The simplest thing is to ask the photographer hiring you whether or not he has insurance to cover the activities you perform for him and whether he requires you to have your own insurance.</p>

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<p>General liability insurance isn't for the photos you shoot... and unlike the worry about insurance at the end of the reference Jerry made (most of it is about equipment and why shooting weddings is a bad idea), no one is likely to die at the hand of the photographer! It's to cover the damage you might do to other people and their material belongings that surround you when you are not on your own property. </p>

<p>Google "insurance for photographers" for specific information on plans and policies you might feel would be necessary for your business. Some of these policies have options to provide for your failure to perform up to your client's expectations. Consult an insurance professional in your area for valuable face-to-face ideas and advice tailored to your special business.</p>

<p><a href="http://rising.blackstar.com/a-business-insurance-primer-for-photographers.html">http://rising.blackstar.com/a-business-insurance-primer-for-photographers.html</a> looks like a pretty good primer on the basics of photography business insurance.<br /><br /></p>

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<p>Julie:<br /><br />Hill & Usher in the US are specialized in providing insurance for photographers. There's also insurance available (at least I think it still is available) for Photo.Net subscribers at a very good price through Photo.Net.<br /><br />Liability insurance is so cheap related to the peace of mind it can provide I think it's a no-brainer. Some venues will demand that you carry insurance and - as others have already pointed out - it's just a smart business decision. Also, more than likely it is tax deductible as a cost of doing business.</p>
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