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Rolleiflex or RZ67 w/127mm for environmental portraits?


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<p>Dear friends,</p>

<p>finally I got a project started that I have been thinking about for some time. It's about a group of people in our village with somewhat interesting jobs or interests. I will photograph environmental portraits, i.e. non just head and shoulder, but part of their office / shopfloor / tools etc., all in b/w on film.</p>

<p>I started it all with my Rolleiflex 3.5 (Xenar), but in many shots I have whished I had something "longer". I had a RB67 some time ago that I sold since I did not use it for quite some time, and have access to a RZ67 now, with the 127 mm lens.</p>

<p>Pictures will be printed large (1x1 m) and also scanned for a book. I have been comparing pictures of both cameras, but could not make up my mind. The Flex is easier to handle, less intimidating, faster, silent. The RZ has slightly better IQ (in my comparison), the longer lens might be an advantage for the kind of portrait I like.</p>

<p>What camera would you choose for such a project? A very personal question, I suppose, but maybe someone has different ideas / experiences, that may help me decide.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot in advance,</p>


<p> </p>

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<p>hello holger --</p>

<p>i haven't personally worked on such a project, nor have i used a RZ67. I have used several Rolleiflex models (fixed and interchangeable lens models), which i all love, as well as Hasselblad. If i were in your position i would probably go for the RZ67, for the following reasons:</p>


<li>Varying lenses available, I might want to experiment with wider for environmental shots and long for people</li>

<li>The larger negative might be nicer over just 6x6 esp if I wanted to print bigger</li>

<li>The revolving back for the 6x7 for portrait vs landscape/environmental</li>


<p>but i am sure either way you go, it will be a fun project. :-)</p>

<p>hope it helps.<br>


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<p>Personally I would use my 2.8F Rolleiflex because I love the camera and it would work perfectly for environmental portraits. In my experience a Rolleiflex is a joy to use and a RB/RZ is not. But that is just personal. Do what you enjoy the most.</p>
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<p>I do a similar "Friends and Family" project, and use my 2.8F. Also have a H'blad I could use, and owned an RZ67 when I started the project. Still chose to use the 2.8F. Just a handling issue to me, I guess. IQ was so close I couldn't tell a significant difference, if any at all.</p>
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<p>Thanks a lot for the answers, they have helped me sort out my mind. Steve, I think you have a point here: the RZ is in fact intimidating, so using my Rolleiflex may make it easier to have people cool down and behave naturaly. And Bob, that's the second point, the Rollei is just easier to handle.</p>

<p>It will be a TLR shootout, after all...</p>

<p>Thanks again to all of you,<br>


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<p>As you've wished for "something longer" I guess I'm all wrong here, but since you want to include your subjects' environment don't you need a wider lens? I use 120mm and 135mm on Hasselblad (6x6) and those make things a little tight, but perfect for closer head shots. The 80mm, or better yet the 60mm, are great for what I would consider "environmental portraits."</p>
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<p>The Rollei. It's way quieter. The lenses are equal. Actually I think "some" Mamiya lenses have distortions. The difference of angle/amount seen not much different due to size of format.You want to show the envoirement? Keep us posted as you work. Sometimes one begins one way and ends in another. I aim to use the Rollei on similar if I can ween the subjects off the digicam.</p>
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<p>Both excellent choices, both very good lenses. You'll want the camera on a tripod anyway for indoor use, which eliminates a lot of the complications in handling the large RZ, so I don't see there being a heck of a lot of difference in what you could do with them. Do you prefer the square format or the 6x7?</p>
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