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asked to do photos for wedding


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<p>the bride will not be satisfied with anything less than the best. That is the way women are and that is not going to change.</p>


<p>Gross generalisation.<br>

Quality of your work is certainly something to be aware of, and some people (men and women) who say beforehand 'it does not matter' do change their minds when they actually see the photos. But I would wager that many people enjoy guest's photos as much as a professional's and they hire professionals for a guarantee factor. The problem is, of course, you don't know until it is too late which camp they fall into.</p>

<p>But it all depends on two things: how desparate are they to get quality photographs? Maybe I was lucky in that my bride shared the same view as me: good pictures are nice but we were not going to break the bank to get them (how often have we looked at them in 10 eyears?), and if a good photographer cost too much we would rather rely on friend's photos than get a sub-par professional. Maybe they feel the same way.<br>

And secondly: will you be the only shooter? Is there a professional there and they are asking for back-up? Have they asked other attendees to do the same? </p>

<p>One thing I am not sure about is who are the B&G. Are they friends of yours? Friends of friends? Friends of a relative? Acquanitances? And do you want to enjoy the day as well? Are you being paid?<br>

Arther has some good points. My thinking would be that if they are very good friends and I feel confident I know they ony want a record of the day with no high expectationsI may do it (though I would need some serious convincing to act as sole photographer). If they are friends of friends then a poor result can put a strain on your mutual friend (I would certainly avoid that situation). If they are friends of a relative, then that is often easier to handle. But in both of the last two you need to understand that the mutual acquantiance has told them.</p>

<p>As for he gear - there has been a heap of good advice about back-ups, additional gear and seeing the venue beforehand.</p>

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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=248912">Soeren Engelbrecht</a> <a href="../member-status-icons"><img title="Subscriber" src="http://static.photo.net/v3graphics/member-status-icons/sub10.gif" alt="" /></a>, Aug 02, 2010; 05:02 p.m. No problem with the gear, definitely.</p>



<p>Really? Did I miss the second body in that list somewhere?</p>

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<p>Well, Dave, Chuck's original post read: "<strong>Question is do you think i can get some decent pics with the equipment i have?</strong>", and my answer to that would still be "yes". Organizing everything in a sort-of-professional manner would obviously require back-up gear, but that was not the point of my answer. I still think the the main consideration for Chuck should be the mental one.<br /><br />Soeren</p>
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<p><strong>Chuck - "</strong>I told the person that asked that i could take pics but could not promise anything and they said they are fine with that."</p>

<p> Get that in writing. I mean a contract, specifying your lack of expertise and that the Bride understands that her wedding pictures are a crapshoot, and that she is fine with that. This is risky (non) business, and it is going to cost you in terms of a back-up outfit, which you will have to rent or buy. You have gotten a lot of sage advice already, so I'll stop with this.</p>

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<p>Equipment matters; today, a D50 or D70 is not what I would prefer to shoot a wedding with now in 2010, but as it has been demonstrated, you can get good results with those. The bigger problem is the photographer's skills, both in terms of picture taking and his/her ability to deal with people.</p>

<p>The important part is to set the expectations right. Some people are picky and demanding; some brides are happy with mediocre or even just outright bad pictures. Since the bride and groom understand that the OP is a beginner for wedding photography, as long as they have the right expectations (e.g. you have no backup equipment and in case someone knocks your camera onto the floor and breaks it that day, there could be no pictures at all), it can work out ok.</p>

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<p>OK, I admit I read only the first few responses as they are the typical "you are going to fail and you should get a professional". Really, these people don't know the person who is asking you to take photos and assume the worst.<br>

I was asked by a cousin to shoot her wedding and I'm glad I took her up on it. The equipment I have is OK but minimal (D300, Tammy 17-50, Nissin flash, borrowed 80-200) and I have done a few weddings in the past as a second shooter. I felt up to the task and I think it went pretty well.<br>

If you know the person and they genuinely want your assistance after seeing your work, go for it. If you are not confident, try and assist someone else's wedding before the big day and borrow a second camera body if possible.</p>

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<p>Chuck -</p>

<p>Reading through your response - it sounds like you're set on doing this... So here's my advice....</p>

<p>1. Do as others have suggested and buy, beg, borrow, rent backup camera (Nikon D50 or similar - if it's not a D50 - then get it as early as possible - because while all Nikons are similar there are some unique things with each and you don't want to be learning a camera at the wedding.)</p>

<p>2. Shoot in RAW. Get enough memory cards to allow you to do this... D50 uses SD cards - correct? - so make sure you have plenty. Since D50 uses SD cards - I'd recommend that your back-up camera use them also - that way you're not fumbling.</p>

<p>3. Shooting in RAW gives you some lattitude but it is not a miracle - you still need to be close in camera.</p>

<p>4. Talk the church / venue before the wedding and find out what is and isn't allowed as far as photography. Some churches don't allow flash photos except at certain points of the ceremony, Others may place restrictions on photographers and where you can and can't be. Those will influence your lens decision.</p>

<p>5. Fast lenses are a must have - the 17-50 Tamron is a good choice as is the 80-200 nikon... the 200mm comes in handy for ceremony photos when you can't get close</p>

<p>6. Get a defuser for the flash - a Gary Fong or something similar.</p>

<p>7. Follow the Boy Scout motto - Be Prepared.</p>



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<p>I know you've got your heart set on this, but I've got to be honest: I'd bow out of this one. I know the temptation is to give it a whirl, but if you bomb (and that's entirely possible, through no fault of your own) you're going to have to own that. Maybe the bride won't mind, but maybe she will. You don't want that cloud hanging over your head.</p>
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<p>I would decline for all of the reasons already mentioned. Why ask a dentist to perform brain surgery? All doctors are not trained to do the same things.<br>

Go to the Gallery tab at the top of this website. . Click on it and then select Weddings. This will give you a chance to see what wedding photographers are taking these days. And you can ask yourself if you can take these kind of pictures without breaking stride.<br>

Joe Smith</p>


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<p>It's not brain surgery it taking some photos at a wedding. Thousands of people the world over every week end take some photos at a friends wedding as a favor. Some of those friends may well be proffesional wedding photographers but you can bet that a large number are for from that. As long as the B&G and the friend, relative or complete stranger taking the photos knows and understands that the results may well be a long way from professional results and they are not promissing spectacular results then there should not be any problem. We are talking about mature adult people not children.</p>

<p>If the quality of the photography is that impotant to the couple then they should hire a photographer that shoots the kind of style and quality that they like. If they can't afford that or don't want to spend the money then they have top accept something less that is just the way life is. After all not everyone can afford a brand new car, some people can't even afford a car at all even if it was given to them.</p>

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Dave's and Lex's responses are very relevant. In addition, you will need the latest Canon flash that provides auto everything plus a Stofen Omni-Bounce. Use the Omni-Bounce for shots within several feet, take it off for longer shots and bounce off a white ceiling if possible, or use straight on. Watch out for contrasty lighting, in the church with big windows and outside -cloudy wedding days are a blessing. If a really bright day, find outside church steps in the shade or under trees, in a garden, etc for group shots. For posed shots, esp with available light, the 50 f1.8 lens will be great. For action/moving shots, use the 18-55 zoom. Make sure you have extra batteries for everything, an extra body is good -even a film body will work. Before hand, let the wedding party know you are the photographer and ask them to pose/smile/look at you when you are taking their picture. Ask couples walking down the aisle to pause just momentarily, smile and look at you when they see you are going to take their picture. Ditto for the Bride and her father (or whoever is walking her in). Get them organized, ask the bride and groom if a sibling from each side can group together all the relatives and friends they want in the pictures after the ceremony so that you don't have to go running after them. Don't be serious about it, everybody, including the photographer, needs to be happy/friendly/jovial. <br>

Good Luck. Who knows, you might enjoy it!</p>

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<p>Folks, I don't think we can provide a "one size fits all" answer to this question. Yes, I am well aware that some friendship has been strained by a non-professional-wedding-photographer friends taking the job upon request from the couple and end up doing a poor job. However, in some situations the couple simply cannot afford a pro and would rather just have some images; that is better than no images at all.</p>

<p>As I said earlier, it all depends on the specific situation and the expectations from the couple. As long as the couple are well aware that they probably won't get very high-quality images, that will probably be ok.</p>

<p>When I was in my 20's and lots of my friends were getting married, I shot a few weddings for friends. I was not the same photographer as I am now, but I managed to do a decent job then; some friends were happier with my results than some others.</p>

<p>One suggestion is to attend the rehearsal; I still do as much as I can today. At the rehearsal you get to meet people and figure out who is who (father and mother of the bride, brides mates ...); you'll also get an idea what will happen during the ceremony. I find that very helpful.</p>

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<p>You need to find out what size wedding this is going to be. That will tell you a lot about what the expectations are.... if its some friends that are having a wedding in their parents back yard and is very low end budget wise... well that is something you might pull off... IF on the other hand they are spending big on the wedding then you will likely fall short of what they expect. That's the first step.<br>

The second thing to remember is even if you don't charge them anything to do this, the results are going to influence what people say about you... if you have no desire to be a photographer or maintain a friendship with her or her spouse, then go for it... otherwise be prepared for 1. Bad mouthing of your work regardless of how lower her expectations are, because even if she says nothing you can guarantee that her mom and friends looking at the pictures have not been put on notice that your not a pro and their expectations shouldn't be high... they will compare it to what they last saw in an issue of Brides Magazine... your name will be mud if you don't deliver no matter how low the expectations were.<br>

Frankly I would not recommend you do this at all... </p>

<p>IF on the other hand you do decide to do it... get an understanding of the shots she wants. go to the rehearsal if they are having it in the same church, and take some test shots... but understand the colors she is wearing will be different, but you might find some issues that you need to deal with such as reflective surfaces, very bright lights from windows or lack of light... Also make sure you take a spare fully charged battery... and 1 final thing to consider, you only have 1 camera and no lens that will give you all the shots you are likely to want, that means you will change lenses at least once... you are at risk of dust every time you change lenses and you might not know it until it is too late, I once had a D50 I used on a vacation once.. sometime during the trip I changed lenses and got a dust speck not noticeable on the rear screen but a real pain on all the shots when I downloaded them later... so try to limit your lens changing.</p>

<p>Also having use a D50 in the past, don't expect very good results at higher ISOs... when you are shooting in lower light in a building the noise at even 400 will be noticeable. </p>

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<p>There has been plenty of good advice shared already in this thread, the best of which I've seen (other than having a backup body even if it's a p/s) is to GET IT IN WRITING! Always use a contract even for free shoots for friends, exactly explaining everyone's expectations and limitations. This could save you lots of heartache later.</p>

<p>As for your gear, cameras don't make pictures, they are just tools that photographers use to make pictures, carry as little gear as possible (preferably a couple of lenses on different bodies (rent one if you have to) and know all the ins and outs of the gear you're using. There will be alot going on in a short time frame and you will have to respond quickly. Shoot Raw and get your workflow down beforehand.</p>

<p>I have done exactly what you've been asked to do three times, the first time I would consider the results horrid, the bride and groom thought they were great. The second time I thought the pictures were OK, the bride and groom loved them. (Both these were shot with the first Canon Rebel XT). The third (shot with a 5d mk II, L lenses, and speedlights on flash brackets, as well as 6 more years experience behind the camera) I think are awesome, some of my best work yet,(considering it was an outdoor wedding at noon!) and the bride is grateful for my help, but not over the top excited about the images. Granted she's just seen proof size raw conversions and not trendy edits and b/w's, I'm sure she'll come around!</p>

<p>Talk to your bride and look at pro wedding photos, get a list of shots they want captured beforehand. Practice Practice Practice, and be brave, nothing ventured nothing gained, you have to start somewhere. (if this happens to be an outdoor second wedding for both parties your odds of success increase significantly!)</p>

<p>Concentrate more on capturing good images than on the gear you need to carry, and Good Luck!</p>


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<p>THE OP SAID: I told the person that asked that i could take pics but could not promise anything and they said they are fine with that.</p>


<p>Not good enough my friend. The problem is that we don't believe that and neither should you. Here is one thing you should do. Make the Bride and Groom and perhaps their parents sign the following statement:</p>

<p><em>We understand that __your name___ is willing to shoot pictures of our wedding. We understand that he is doing it for free solely as a favor to us. We understand that he is NOT a professional photographer and has never photographed a wedding before. We understand that he encouraged us in the strongest of terms to hire a professional wedding photographer but we decline to do that. We understand that he makes no guarantee of results and that he is not representing to us that he knows the first thing about wedding photography. Knowing all of this we still ask him to photograph our wedding as a favor to us.</em><br>

<em> </em><br>

This is not meant to be a legal document but rather a statement of understanding so that you are sure the B&G are completely in line with what you are thinking. Now you notice that I put in there that you are doing this for free. Don't even think of charging for the first wedding you shoot. If you do you could be heading for a train wreck of the first order.</p>

<p>You said you were going to do it so I suppose that debate is over. Now do what Lex said particularly the part about practicing with some patient models in the actual venue. </p>

<p>If you insist on receiving money for this gig (which would be the height of stupidity) then use it to hire an experienced second shooter and hope to hell he gets your behind out of trouble.</p>

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<p>Just a bit of advice, if you're not already thinking about this, to get everything in writing and make a contract that you're not responsible and .... it's up to you to make this contract good as it can be.<br>

I recommended to friend who did wedding for a friend and I highly suggested to get contract, even if he was doing for free. So, long story short, he didn't make contract, and bite him in his ars... big time. <br />He did good job in my opinion, he is good photographer, but made mistake not having contract.<br />On next wedding for another friend, he got one of mine contracts re-designed and everything was ok.<br />So, he told me he will never do a favor again to someone without contract, at least just stating he is doing voluntary work and can't be sued for whatever reason, etc...<br>

I think with our equipment, you can be and can make good photos, but if you don't have contract even for this "FREE" work, something may get wrong.<br>

Also, talk to them to have a few minutes before wedding to take a few nice pictures "for engagement" session, and also arrange with them for "just in case" and "if something..." so you can re-take pictures to help them out.<br />You will be looking like a hero with this and cover yourself for "just in case" and "if something...".<br>

When I do shot for free, if I don't make written contract, I always make verbal telling them same thing that would be in contract, just to cover myself.<br>

Just my $.02 on this matter.</p>

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<p>If you feel that you need some sort of document to absolve you of liability for offering a gift - your services, free of charge, to take some snapshots - it's time to reconsider that gift. Take up a collection from the families and friends to hire a wedding pro. Let the pro worry about contracts and liability.</p>

<p>Some of you folks sure can make a simple thing complicated. I've photographed the occasional wedding, birth, anniversary, party and other events for family or friends since I was 13 years old (yup, my first was around 1970 with my Miranda Sensorex and Tri-X), always as gifts, always with the <em>spoken</em> understanding that I'm just taking snapshots when the alternative is no photos at all to document the event. My snaps are usually competent but nothing special unless I get lucky. And so far nobody has been dissatisfied with the photos I gave 'em, let alone implied that I should have hired a lawyer to draw up a contract, secure liability insurance and protect my heirs and assigns from indemnity ad nauseum, etc., forthwith and forever...</p>

<p>If you feel like you need that stuff, don't do it. But only you know your own family and friends. I know some folks I wouldn't do this for because they're persnickety <em>and</em> they can afford to hire a pro.</p>

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<p>"Some of you folks sure can make a simple thing complicated. I've photographed the occasional wedding, birth, anniversary, party and other events for family or friends since I was 13 years old (yup, my first was around 1970 with my Miranda Sensorex and Tri-X), always as gifts, always with the <em>spoken</em> understanding that I'm just taking snapshots when the alternative is no photos at all to document the event. My snaps are usually competent but nothing special unless I get lucky. And so far nobody has been dissatisfied with the photos I gave 'em, let alone implied that I should have hired a lawyer to draw up a contract, secure liability insurance and protect my heirs and assigns from indemnity ad nauseum, etc., forthwith and forever...<br /> If you feel like you need that stuff, don't do it. But only you know your own family and friends. I know some folks I wouldn't do this for because they're persnickety <em>and</em> they can afford to hire a pro."</p>



<p>lex,<br /> words well put!</p>


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Gave in 3 times to friends. Worked out decently three times, not pro results but certainly some decent memories. You are doing one thing very right: set the expectation. That is the main thing. Be clear and honest up front.</p>

<p>I second completely what Lex said. And all those who say you need a second body (and batteries, and spare memory cards, and a back-up lens). Gear-wise, get a flash (SB600 or better).<br>

The whole experience of shooting a full day (as only shooter, but having 2 shooters in Europe is highly uncommon) is that is is exhausting, a lot of work and not something I'll ever want to do full time (not my cup of tea by far). But editing the RAWs afterwards was quite a joy of revisiting the day. It's a pretty cool gift to give to friends.</p>

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<p>My experience to date encompasses a mere 4 weddings for friends and relatives. Key points (in no particular order):<br>

1. Get that flash above the body with a flash bracket (use a cable too - D50 does not support D600 wirelessly) - very important for portrait orientation<br>

2. Tamron 17-50 had far too slow AF even on the D300 - 18-70 was far better and managed to impress a diehard Canon shooter<br>

3. Shoot RAW + Basic JPG and convert in Nikon Capture NX (good batch processing)<br>

4. Get more memory cards than you need - D50 will not support >2gb cards SDHC cards (I find card changing a real pain)<br>

5. D50 has good battery life - one spare should be sufficient<br>

6. Practice with the flash a lot - indoor, outdoor, fill-in, bounced etc.<br>

7. Carry a microfibre cloth - you are bound to get finger marks on the lenses / filters<br>

8. Definitely have access to a spare something - I used a film camera at first plus loads of print film<br>

9. Spare flash essential - and a diffuser (stofen or similar) (or look up A Better Bounce Card)<br>

10. Practice with camera settings - D50 has more done through menus than the D90 / D300 which makes it slower.<br>

11. Avoid auto ISO - you can yet some unfortunate results. Keep it to 200 ISO for max dynamic range, but push to ISO 800 if you have to (e.g. no flash allowed)<br>

12. Use Aperture Priority, but consider Programme mode when using flash<br>

13. Use Matrix metering - good on D50, dubious on D80, good on D300<br>

14. Take spare flash batteries (several sets) - decent quality alkalines fine for flash, but NiMH also OK<br>

15. Make sure they pay you something - each camera click costs you money, as do consumables etc. - even if you only cover costs<br>

16. Agree a style with your client. Have a list of must have shots (as agreed with client) and keep track of what you've taken<br>

17. Use the Best Man to help organise groups - and organise group shots logically to minimise people movement.<br>

18. Smile a lot and engage your subjects - appropriate jokes / one liners are useful too<br>

19. Get a monopod - useful for taking weight of camera / bracket / flash - & get low for full length shots (camera height around 42-48 inches) - Tripod OK outside, but difficult inside<br>

20. Eat a big breakfast / lunch - you never know when you'll have time to eat (& have a few bottles of water to hand)<br>

Hope this helps!!</p>

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<p>I like Dundas' statement of understanding. If this is a close friend you don't need it. If you are doing this as a favor to an acquaintance I think it is good for the talking points.</p>

<p>Even if you do have them sign a form like this, fairness requires that you tell them that stuff. You have to admit that your best advice would be for them to hire a professional. So make sure they hear it time and again.</p>

<p> </p>

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