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A scanner for 35mm contact sheets

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<p>Can anyone recommend a reasonable scanner that will scan a full 8 x 10 or letter-sized negative sheet at one time? I have an Epson 2450 Perfection and it is Ok but of course only scans the width of one strip of 120 film at a time.</p>

<p>Can anyone suggest a cheapish scanner that will allow me to do a digital contact sheet in one take? Under $500 is the price range. Thank you very much.</p>

Robin Smith
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<p>I have used an Epson 4990 for several years and am quite happy with it. It has been replaced on the market by the V700/V750 models which have had even better reviews. The trick in making a digital contact sheet is to have the software scan an 8x10 film area, rather than using the supplied film holders for strips. I make the scans with film in clear storage pages. These scanners slightly exceed the $500 limit new, but they are worth it. The resulting scans of medium format images are at least good enough for individual web use, and 4x5 for good-size prints, but are quite large for storage so I normally save at a lower resolution.</p>
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