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how to find sponsorship


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<p>How does one go about finding opportunities to receive or solicit sponsorship? I'm working on a project that will cost something in the neighborhood of $250,000 for the shooting and involve travel in a potentially dangerous region for 6 months or so. The quarter million includes the cost of a car and camping gear.<br>

If I can get sponsorship from a car company (I'm thinking Toyota, Land Rover or Mercedes), a camera manufacturer, a camping supplier and a few other companies, the amount of money I'd be out-of-pocket or need a grant for would be greatly reduced.<br>

Has anybody here done expedition photography on a tight schedule with sponsorship or know somebody that has done this sort of thing? Any suggestions for getting started with the research?<br>

I'd appreciate whatever help/information y'all might have.</p>



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<p>Most businesses want a plan in order to justify cash been spent; justing why a project; advert or new toilet or new roof is needed; new product is needed.</p>

<p>If you want free money; ask a relative.</p>

<p>Businesses need a return on investment. They are risking hard cash. Thus your photo safari project; pet rock or new 14.4 modem; or 6 volt car radio vibrator; or get rich infomerical has to make sense from a business standpoint.</p>

<p>****You write a business plan****</p>

<p>One has a world recession going on; your pet project gets thrown in the vast pools of things to ponder; do do we fix a leaky roof; or send somebody on a safari!</p>

<p>You are just asking for 1/4 million.<br /> <br /> The folks that have 1/4 million to burn got it by being thrifty; ie pondering expenses.</p>

<p>One has cut backs all across the world in advertising.</p>

<p>The USA today has a hostile stance towards small businesses. One has increasing costs with health care; and an uncertain future. Taxes will be higher next year; the screws tightened further. Slashing costs it what many places are doing to survive; bracing for future increases in costs.</p>

<p><br /> Ask yourself would you bet your life savings on your project; your house; your health.</p>

<p>1/4 million is a lot of cash to spend without a business plan.</p>

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<p>What you're looking for is grant money. To get grant money, you have to write a really good grant proposal (NOT a business plan) for existing grants. To get a grant, you usually have to show a good portfolio and track record. Most grants aren't that big and the competition is pretty intense. For example, <a href="http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/photo-grant/2010-recipient">here is one of the bigger annual photography grants </a>, you should check his credentials and see how you stack up. Another good example, it's half the size but still a respectable grant, can be found <a href="http://www.burnmagazine.org/emerging-photographers-fund/">here.</a></p>
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<p>I agree with Jeff. Your best bet is probably to go for a grant - even if that is an extremely difficult way to find monetary support. Sponsorships from businesses would be even harder unless you have personal connections to people on the board, the CEO etc.<br /><br />If you have the experience you can sometimes get magazines and/or newspapers to fund work in advance but this too isn't exactly easy to pull off. If you don't have previously published work to show that you're capable and experienced, I'd think it would be pretty darn close to impossible.</p>
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