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Last Kodachrome roll processed in Parsons, Kansas

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<p>Very interesting article, but it stopped my heart at first because I thought it was an announcement that Dwayne's was done processing it. I have two rolls left!</p>


<p>Tell me about it, I just got back 10 rolls and have another 20 or so to send!</p>

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<p>Interesting article, especially since I have stomped around in Parsons Kansas many times and still remains withing a couple hour drive.<br>

JDM . . . Why do you consider Curry so boring? Or, you talking about Parsons Kansas, I know it's boring! Just curious!</p>

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<p>It was because of the panic headline which turned out to be the "last roll" <em>for this particular guy</em>. I realize it's the reporter's fault, but I found the story to be annoying because of how far down you had to go to confirm the December 10 date. I may be unfair in focusing on Curry rather than the article....but then life isn't fair. Why should I care about whether Curry will use another roll of K before December?</p>

<p>Actually I have been to Parsons, Kansas, and it is no more boring than the rest of Kansas, FWTW. I'm from Kansas, a state I appreciate (the state of being <em>from</em>, that is. :)</p>

<p>However, you can take the boy out of Kansas, but you can never take Kansas out of the boy. :(</p>

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<p> I have done the whole "I'm a sunflower from the sunflower state" routine.<br>

Actually I like Kansas more than it deserves, probably. If you haven't read Earl Thompson's <em>A Garden of Sand</em>, now would be a good time.</p>

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<p>I enjoyed the article. I always liked McCurry's pictures, adventures and so on. IT's fitting that they give him the honor of the final send off. Kodachrome lasted a really long time. Kind of amazing really. I hope that I can view some of the last shots sometime. It would be fun.</p>
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<p>HI! I'm really glad you liked the article. I also thought it was a very interesting article - that's why I shared it with you.<br>

By the way, I believe that the "LAST" reference was due to the fact that it was the FINAL roll of Kodachrome to ever be produced at Kodak, not that it was the last roll processed. <br>

I guess you can read the headline either way. <br>

I think that the special TV show will be shown in Spring, 2011.</p>


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<p>Speaking of Kansas scenery, here's a shot I took last week, on vacation, on the way to Colorado through the car window at 70+MPH on I-70 - about 20 miles west of Salina, Kansas. (Note: I WASN'T driving!) <br>

I LOVE sunsets and these wind turbines were kind of sticking up out of the usual mostly-flat terrain. Don't let the photo deceive you - they are HUGE! <br>

Info: The tower and motor housing together are about 260 feet tall. The blades add another 146 feet, making the entire structure just at 410 feet tall — or about the height of a 30-story building.<br>

Chicago may very well be the windy city but Kansas is the windy state! ;)<br>

P. S. I can't figure out how to edit this photo down to an appropriate size so if possible, feel free to fix it yourself. Thank You! </p><div>00Wv7G-262491584.thumb.jpg.a2cf4ba53733029e99ec486274fbc6e8.jpg</div>

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<p>Janice- that's the Smoky Hills Wind Project and it's near Ellsworth, Kansas. I was there about 2 months ago, very impressive.</p>

<p>JDM- it's McCurry, not Curry. He is one of the better known photographers currently working. Having listened to his lectures, watched his slide shows and spoken with the man himself on more than one occasion, I can attest that he is not boring...not to mention the fact that he can basically only work with one hand, the left one. I have a hard enough time using both hands! However, I do agree...the article headline seems like it was just meant to scare us!</p>

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<p>Yes, yes, but it was not the photographer whose life otherwise may be exemplary, but about THIS story. There was little in the story that was interesting about him, given the author's push to get the "last roll developed" story out.<br>

I guess the Kansas connection got me to John Steuart Curry, somehow, and I picked it up from the prior post accordingly. My sincere apologies to all McCurry friends and fans, and Scots in general.</p>


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I am shooting all Kodachrome right now (still have about 50 rolls). After that it will be almost all E-6 for color. I like Ektachrome E100, though I have been using more Elitechrome in 35mm because I like its color balance and it's cheaper. I use Fuji Provia 400X for action or handheld with long lenses, great stuff, and Provia 100 for night shots due to its excellent reciprocity characteristics.</p>

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<p>I wonder how much 35mm transparency film of any kind is still being shot. Does anyone here still use E-6 film on a regular basis? Just curious.</p>


<p>I've used nothing but E-6 for several years now; I buy Provia by the palette (ok, not quite), and I'll get right back to it once the Kodachrome hoard is used up.</p>

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