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<p>It seems like digital Leica cameras of any sort (M9, X1, etc.) are just not available. They are backordered, not in stock, etc. I can't imagine there are that many people who want a $7000 body along with a $4000 lens. What's the deal? <br>

It's like trying to buy a Wii Christmas eve at 4:00 pm. (only a much more expensive toy)</p>

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<p>Here in Japan I have seen only one M9. That was at Leica Japan headquarters in Tokyo. It was under glass. It might have been a dummy. There are no M8s in Osaka, and no M9s either. I am up for an M9. I have all the Leica lenses I need. </p>
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<p>The waiting list for an M9 in London is between 6 weeks and 3 months, depending on who you ask. I've only been waiting for a couple of weeks, but I'm getting impatient :) The waiting list for 50mm Summiluxes seems even longer, no-one would even give me an estimate.</p>

<p>Someone I spoke to (I forget exactly who) said that Leica were working to get the waiting list down to reasonable levels by Photokina, which I believe is in September.</p>

<p>I have some sympathy, it must be difficult to ramp up production enough to deal with the early demand, without investing in production lines that you won't need during the remaining lifetime of the product.</p>

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<p>Just walked by <a href="http://www.photografica.com/">Photografica</a> in Copenhagen today. They had the chrome version in the window. <br />In <a href="http://camera-watch-okadaya.blog.ocn.ne.jp/">Camera & Watch BAR Okadaya </a>close to Yurakucho, Tokyo, they've had a M9 lying casually on one of their tables for a while now - Don't know if it is for sale - it is a strange place: around 5 PM the tiny shop fills up with beer drinking people.</p>
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<p>Usually Keh and Evil Bay have a slew of 35mm ASPHs, some 75/1,4s, and even 3-5 50/1,0s for sale. Now nothing. Any thoughts?</p>



<p>Some of my former colleagues have an uneasy feeling about the future of Leica Camera AG in these dismal economic times. Maybe this uneasy premonition is spreading and people are buying up what they can while they can.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>The answer may be, that it's <strong>NOT</strong> a time to sell GOLD, it's the time to <strong>buy it</strong>...</p>

<p>Back in 1977 a new Noctilux went for approximately 8 ounces of gold --- <strong>that's still the case today ! </strong><br>

(1,200 paper dollars today won't even get you near the cheapest new Leica M lens)</p>

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<p>I went to BHPhoto and they do not have a M9 currently. The Leica M film models look to be mostly backordered also. Same with the Bessa film models. I hope the companies are still solvent and all. If they do have problems I guess they cannot get any help from me. I have never purchashed a Leica product myself. </p>
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