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RZ33 Looks Interesting


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<p>I could buy 3 Nikon D3x bodies for that price. I can't see the advantage of the Mamiya unless one were heavily invested in the system already. For overall reliability and usability, I'll take the Nikon.</p>
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<p>If you do the sort of studio photography that people use digital or film medium format for - and there's a market for this that's strong enough to support several manufacturers - the price will actually seem reasonable. Similar cameras from Hasselblad, Mamiya and Phase One are in the $20k-$40k range, and those don't all have interchangeable backs.</p>
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<p>You could buy 3 D3x's for the price, but you still wouldn't have any leaf shutters and your sensor would be 1/2 the size. I didn't look hard enough, but I'm assuming it still allows revolving the back. </p>

<p>I just wish the sensor was bigger, it's the same as in the DM33 (645). I wouldn't complain if I slapped it on the back of my RB though.</p>

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<p>It's sensor is 48 x 36mm, 33 Megapixel. That's large, but I assume there would be a crop factor with my lenses since the RZ's frame is 6x7cm? The back does revolve, which is a great feature. If I win the lottery, and I have an extra $17K. I'll be sure to buy one.</p>
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<p>The crop factor would be... add the zero... carry the two... 1.5 compared to 6x7. So RZ33 frame is to RZ67 frame as APS-C is to 35mm. The "normal" prime would be the 65mm. The 110/2.8 would be a fantastic portrait lens.</p>
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<p>The sensor is too small. If only they could make a proper 6x7 sensor... I would gladly trade MP count for a larger sensor.<br>

In any case, it still looks a bit expensive. The P645D is almost half the price! Different cameras for different markets but still...</p>

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<p>The largest sensor I've seen in a digital back was 56x40mm and it cost $30,000. The price of sensors scales non-linearly with size. Probably some day they'll be good enough at making these that a 56x70mm sensor can be done for under $100,000 but I don't think we're there yet.</p>
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<p>Is the key point not that you can fit that sensor on a 645 camera and get half the weight, autofocus, and faster and newer lenses?</p>

<p>Until they break the 60x45 barrier, I can't see the motivation for buying into 6x7. I use my 24x36 back on both cameras, but just as a lark...and a used one at that. New...whew, seems way outta whack.</p>

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