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My Contaflex Super BC

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<p>Here's a pic of the camera. In addition to the 50mm, I got a 35mm and 115mm lens, no separation on any. I also picked up a yellow and a red filter for the 50mm from Pacific Rim. Obviously, the yellow is on the camera below.</p><div>00Wj1N-253707584.jpg.d1d051dbe94a9d45a9448398ed6a7837.jpg</div>
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<p>Yes, the pics look fine. Enjoy seeing the camera and some shots. Thanks.<br>

Was this with the in-board meter?</p>

<p>I first thought the controls on my Contaflex were all backwards (thus saith the Exakta user?), but I found my Prima surprisingly easy to work with after a few frames. I've never been a fan of the linked speed and aperture rings.</p>

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<p>I have a Contaflex Alpha, the basic version with no meter and a Pantar lens. Most of the shutter speeds still work. They are solid feeling, quiet little cameras. In fact that was my first classic camera purchased merely because it was old <em>and</em> cool!</p>
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<p>Congratulations on your new camera. I have one just like it. I got mine from an estate sale and it included the whole kit including the monocular, a set of proxar close-up lenses and four extra film backs. I don't use it much. I just don't shoot that much 35mm any more, but I quite like it. Have you tried any of the interchangable backs yet? Some people think they're a PITA and they sort of are, but I don't think any more so than backs for other cameras. Enjoy your camera, it's a good shooter. Cheers. </p>
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<p>Jay, I'm talking about film backs. You can take the back off your camera and replace it with another back either with a new roll of film, or with another type, ie. b&w for color, or print for slide. They're just like the film backs for blad's or other MF cameras. They allow you to kind of switch gears in mid roll as it were. Cheers.</p>
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<p>Very Nice Pictures! Good guesses on the exposure. I like the stillness of the Pond and the size of the building. I have two similar Contaflex models The Super B I have the selenium meter somtimesresponds, I accept that this will not always be the case. Right after I got it, while cleaning, the the numbers on the Aperture ring wiped away with the cleaner. OOopss!! Now in manual mode I can't remember which direction is open and close. How do you like the finder? Someone posted a link a while back to to a review from early 60s where they discussed the finder. While some found it great and super, others (like me) didn'tt care for it. It's is relatively bright, but they used Fresnel rings to brighten it up! This makes it hard to focus as little changes in the center and the outside isn't usually' where you are focusing. Therefore I find myself relying on the split-image RF in the center. I like the pop the shutter makes. It reminds me a bt of the metallic "clack" of a pistol. A marvel to behold.</p>


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